Friday, October 20, 2023


The last post about the Eagle I wasn't sure how I'd hook the wings, other than that outline.  I started on the left wing with softer colors since it would have a primitive black background and wanted to be sure the wings would stand out.  
Then tried darker colors on the other wing.  After hooking some background felt comfortable with the choice of darker wings.  
Here's the rug now but will reverse hook the left wing.  Notice I pulled loops the natural way wing feathers grow.  Maybe next time I hook an eagle rug it will be outline and fill.
Oh my, that's a LOT of background.  Oh well, it's still loops to pull and keeps me entertained.

Happy hooking.



  1. You got quite a lot done on your eagle and I have to agree that the darker wings looks better. It's going to look stunning with the antique black background.

    It's raining again tonight. I have the wood stove going.
    Take care, hugs.

  2. Love the directional hooking on the wings...and as long as Mummy Dearest is entertained, life is good. 😉 ~et~

  3. I do like the right wing much better and how you hooked in the direction it should be. Janice

  4. Thanks Sandra, I can't reply to you directly because you are a 'no-reply' blogger. There is a way to fix it in your settings, google it.

  5. Looking good! Prefer the darker wing too .


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