Sunday, January 14, 2024


I'm calling the sheep DONE!  This picture was taken before steaming.  See the ripples?  If not, click on the photo to enlarge it.
Wasn't fond of the hooked coat of the sheep as my vision was for it to be more like the antique.  So after ripping out the sheep wool strips could see the linen had stretched.  I tried rubbing the foundation to remove the hooked holes and smooth out the linen.  But as you could see in the above photo, the ripples remained.
Was hoping steaming would take care of that situation so steamed it several  times and think it will be okay.  The rug hasn't been moved since steaming so hope once it is picked up, foundation trimmed and ready for binding it will still look okay. 
Remember all the rain I've written about?  As it is winter and colder days ahead I went to check the propane level to see if I needed to order more.  This is what I saw ~ my tank was filled with rainwater because the water table is so damn high now.
I wondered  if this might cause a gas leak, or worse, 
an explosion.  So called the propane company to inquire and explain this situation.  Was told I should scoop out the water because with upcoming freezing temperatures there could be problems if the regulator was under water.

Went outside with a ladle and scooped out water to fill the bucket half full 4 times then pulled it on a cart to the meadow to dump.  Don't know how many gallons it would be will filled to top but even halfway it was hard for me to carry.  Uh, and I'm still having back pain as I sit here with a heating pad.
Anyway, each time I returned from dumping water it seemed to be a tad higher.  After 4 half-filled buckets were removed the tank looked like this.
Didn't know which metal working part was the regulator but figured I was in the safe zone so went inside to rest my back.  An hour later went back to check on the water level to see if it had filled back up as I'd expected it would, here it is .... again.  And would eventually fill all the way back up to the water line as the water table here has increased due to all the rain.  There is a dome metal top and you can see a part of it on the top left of the photo below.
Went back inside and called the propane company, got an email address and sent them the pictures.   Was told that as long as the RED regulator wasn't under water I was safe.  Thankfully, that is positioned above ground so chances of that being under water are slim.  However I will keep an eye on it always, since I know what the regulator looks like.

Here is the local weather forecast and the wet stuff just keeps coming.  
Keep your hands busy during this cold, wet, white winter with whatever makes you happy.



  1. Isn't there a way to drain off the water? A hole in the side or something safe?
    The more I see your rug work, the more I want to try making one.

  2. I think your sheep mat looks amazing!
    Thanks for sharing your journey with it....

  3. Your sheep turned out FANTASTICALLY! I think, in time, it will become one of your favorites. That tank business is concerning but I am glad you got some reassurances about things. It would make me nervous as heck I know. I know it doesn't seem like it to you, but your weather looks like a heat wave from where I'm at. It is just after noon here and we are at a balmy real temp of -4º with a feel like temp of -21º. ~Robin~

  4. I too have overlooked and stretched the foundation fabric way out. Way. It was wayyy stretched. And I was at rug camp with Bev Conway. I took it home, reversed hooked the "hump". I steamed it, let it dry then rehooked keeping it flat, not counting holes. Sometimes I hooked every 6th hole, but it lays flat. I showed it to Bev the next year, even she said, oh my I didn't think that was fixable. But it is. I like your sheep, he looks "old" to me.

  5. I was wondering about using a syphoning kit to empty the water from your tank. They are pretty cheap.

    Sheepie is looking great. I wonder why the foundation stretched so much. It looks like you did a great job of fixing it. I knew that you would end up with a great product.


  6. Oh my hopefully the water will go down. That is scary. The high today for us was 13. This morning it was 10 with wind chill about zero. I hope your sheep rug cooperates but I do like it. Janice

  7. Wow,,good u phoned,,,,!
    Got alot of snow here over weekend,,,
    Yikes,,too much at once and now Brrr,,,

  8. I don't think I've heard of an underground LP tank. I'm not sure I'd have thought to check that situation out.
    Besides a siphon kit like Julia mentioned, there are also drill powered pumps. With a battery drill (for safety), and a hose, you might not need to carry buckets. Or a birdbath heater? Perhaps one (maybe 2 depending how big the space is) would keep the water from freezing, especially if the entire ring was covered up with something.
    At any rate, good thing you called and even better they got back to you with what to look for.

    The rug might not be exactly as you visioned, I hope you don't hold that against it and shove it to the back of a closet. IMHO, it looks good.

  9. Sheepie is a keeper for sure. Absolutely wonderful!!!
    Your temps look balmy compared to mine. 4* this morning with the wind chill at -11*. Still not as bad as in Nod.
    Is that thingy normally covered? I know nothing about propane.

  10. perfect 'old' sheep ~ stay warm!
    Lori from Notforgotten Farm

  11. Your sheep rug looks great ! It is cold here today , 24 degrees with snow , sleet , even rain & now back to snow UGH
    Good you called about the propane tank , crazy how it keeps filling with water.


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