Tuesday, April 2, 2024


I'm way behind labeling my rugs, as usual, because it takes 6 labels to fill a page so 6 hooked rugs are required.  Two of the rugs were hooked during 2023.  One was started November 2023 (The Reclining Sheep) but wasn't finished until the beginning of 2024 so gave it a label of 2024.
Those three rugs have their labels attached and here the are.  The flash has washed out the color in all of those rugs.
Sorry, I just couldn't let that washed out view of my rugs go so here they are  individually; first up is Reclining Sheep.
My design named 1776 Eagle which was adapted from an antique 1907 rug.
And finally Going in Circles, another adaptation which was a LOT of fun and was my 'plus one'.  If you compare this photo with the first one you'll see how washed out the rugs were in the first photo.
The Lone Stag label will be attached next but the last two labels will sit for a while as one still needs to be bound and the other is presently on my frame being hooked.  But at least the labels are ready to be attached when they are completed.  

I've posted a tutorial on a previous blog post and will copy and paste the link again to not repeat the whole process.  You can read how to do your own labels HERE.  The last printer fabrics I purchased was from TAILOR so perhaps there are other products available under a different name and the price may be higher.
More rain and turbulent weather in the forecast here and probably where you live.  So buckle up buttercup and have something handy to keep you entertained.  I'll be hooking for sure.



  1. You should be proud of your work. Your labels are so neat and professional looking. I haven't printed any labels yet but I've printed transfers that I ironed on fabric for a Christmas quilt that is still sitting in a bin in the closet. Now my color printer is fringed up. Too high tech for me.

    Hugs, Julia

  2. The labels are 😍 amazing!!!
    So are the rugs!!!!
    Snow here tonite and winds!!! 😞

  3. Your labels are wonderful. I just had a computer die on my and my new one is not set up fully yet. So I am tec hell.

  4. Your labels are great !
    Awful weather here too thru Friday ....rain , sleet , maybe some snow & more high winds .....your poor yard , hope you don't get even more flooding in your yard .

  5. Wonderful, wonderful, labels! Love how you do them. Guess I'd have to finish some rugs to actually label them, huh? We got hit with a nasty storm last night/today. The 1-3" of snow turned into twice the higher amount. And absolutely unbelievable winds. Hope you stay above water. ~Robin~

  6. You do such a great job on your labels. Your rugs are wonderful too! Praying the bad weather goes around you. Janice


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