Wednesday, May 22, 2024


Now is when I wish there was a plus one to post about instead of another update on Running Horse.  While I'm excited to make progress on it I suspect you readers would like to see a variety of rugs in progress ~me thinks.  Anyway, here is what the antique adaptation looks like now.
You can see the fabric choice made for the doubled cotton binding.  So once all hooked, steamed and extra linen trimmed away it will be a breeze to bind it.

I have an annual doctor visit tomorrow but perhaps once home I should look for that 'plus one'.  Don't know what it would be yet but would like it to be something smallish so a finish wouldn't take too long 😊. Happy hooking.



  1. Just love this ,,,,,
    Always loved the background colors and lots of color inside,,,,

  2. I have always had trouble binding my rugs like that...I need to practice on a smaller piece me thinks. Lori from NFF

  3. I've never tried attaching the binding before hooking.
    You better find a plus one and your next project soon because you will be done with this one tout de suite.
    Doctor visit...the older we get the more of them we have ;-(

  4. I used to sew on my twill rug binding , but I find it easier to do it last , so I get nice and close and my corners aren't all wonky .I also prefer using wool to bind my pieces now too .
    Good Luck at your Drs appointment !

  5. You're moving along quickly... I agree with GT, you best be finding that +1 soon as soon it will be your main squeeze. ;-) I hope your appt was uneventful. ~Robin~

  6. Hope your doctors appt went well. Great progress. Cannot wait to see your plus 1. Janie

  7. Here I an again, late to view and comment. You are really moving along with that rug.
    I bind my rug the Gene Shepherd's was by whipping and binding the outer edge in one step, then I sew the rest of the binding tape. I never tried sewing the binding one first. Some day, I may give it a try. It's fun seeing the different techniques you use on each rug.
    Enjoy the weekend. Hugs,


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