Monday, May 13, 2024


Just a little progress has been made on my current project.  But at least there's been some progress.  Seems we rug rug hookers are never satisfied with how much we've accomplished and don't think I'm alone in that respect.  Once the rug is done we are usually always pleased tho, right?
Not much else to share other than more rain tomorrow and Wednesday, my grass needs cutting but not sure it will get done tomorrow, depends on how wet it is outside.

My deck still needs to be washed and sealed but the pollen of different shapes continues to drop.  That light dusty yellow/green pollen has stopped but the worm-shaped and other pollen is showing its face now.
The part of the deck above was swept this morning but had to run errands and this lower part didn't get swept off.  That's why it has more pollen and leaf droppings.
OH!!!!!  Nancy Armstrong, I did receive your comment but you are a NO-REPLY blogger so was unable to respond to you.  That issue can be fixed, just goggle how to fix No-Reply blogger.  OR, if you look on the right side of my blog there is a spot to EMAIL ME.  That ensures a way for me to contact you.

Happy Hooking.



  1. Oh faithful rug hooker that you are, I always delight in seeing your rug hooking progress. Your horse is coming along just fine. I'll be working on my rug tomorrow evening with my hooking group. I still have so many irons in the fire that my rug hooking has suffered a lot this year.

    Today I emptied my lawnmower's tank and got some fresh gas and cut the lawn, front and back. I was pretty tired but felt a sense of satisfaction. I had made plans but because of several early morning call, my plans had to be altered but the lawn got cut anyway. Tomorrow is another day and they are announcing partly cloudy with showers. I hope I can get a little bit of gardening done.

    Take care and don't sweat the small stuff. 😊

    Hugs, Julia

  2. Some great Progress! Looking great,,,
    Been rainy here and we finally found someone to cut our Grass! Yippee,,,
    My husband can't do it this summer,,,he has surgery at end if this month for ankle replacement,,, Will be laid up awhile most of the summer,,,!!
    Hope ur grass drys ,,,

  3. I Love how you are doing the background for your horse .....I would have been stumped oh how to use the worms for your hit or miss looks so pretty .
    UGH much pollen here too , I'm sneezing & have itchy eyes

  4. The answer to your question? No. Not all hookers are usually happy when their rugs are finished. Your horse is coming along quickly. Horses are a "thing" these days. ;-) Lots of pollen and "stuff" floating through the air here too these days...but the past few days it was most smoke from the wildfires. Yesterday was the worst. It was finally warm enough to open windows and you couldn't unless you wanted your house to smell like smoke. How are you coming along on that ark?? ~Robin~

  5. I always enjoy seeing your progress on your rugs. I also am loving the background colors and how you are hooking this. Love it!!! I have been in a funk hooking...but I need to get my hook out and work on mine again soon. Still need to bind Woman on Horseback too. UGH Janice

  6. Hey or should l say Hay there 😂 l crack myself up. The horse is coming along nicely. Love the red in the mane. Not sure what you use, but "duck's back" products were about the best l found when trying to keep wood deck/fence looking nice and sealed. Some products are no better than water. Happy day 💕


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