Saturday, July 27, 2024


Well, it's a start using what I have, no dyeing or buying.  But not quite the same colors as the antique.  Frankly I don't want the pinky looking scrolls so will substitute something else for those too (original antique is bottom picture).  
The bird's wings were hooked using left over strips from a lighter dye result from a previous onion skin dye session.  This photo below was a collection of wool I thought about using.  But when I looked in my bag of orange wool worms found some already cut so didn't have to cut wool for the wings.
The dirty yellow below the onion skin dyed wool is what the stump is hooked with plus a few strips of a texture for the center and right side of the stump.

I will probably hooked the 1918 date but not any initials at the bottom.  Instead I'll do a blotchy background for interest.
Cut grass today and now will be happily hooking.



  1. Looking good....Something tells me this one isn't going to take you very long. I agree completely about the pink scrolls. Happy Sunday my friend! ~Robin~

  2. I wouldn't like the pink scrolls either. You are off to a good always.

  3. That orangey wing is about a perfect match. Looking good. You could put a bird name at the bottom and make people wonder 😂. (I’m so ornery). Lady Locust

  4. You are off to a good start already. Maybe do the scrolls in a more muted red. I know you will find the right color though. Janice

  5. Oh I do like that one. I cannot wait to see the amazing job you will do.


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