Tuesday, July 23, 2024


I have finally decided my next project and it is Bird on a Tree Stump.  Happens to be the last antique selected from my files so perhaps that's why it was chosen.
The pattern has been drawn as you can see below.  Since I often end up with odd sizes of linen from drawing various patterns I look thru my stash to see what comes closest to working for me.  If I don't have quite a 3" margin I will sew on a piece of cotton to ensure it fits over the gripper strips.  As that saying goes ... "waste not want not".
And you know I had to balance out the ground beneath the dog, this is what it looks like now.  
Here is the before; t
rue it was only a minor change but just enough to satisfy me.
And just in case you've forgotten what the original rug looked like, here it is below.
Now I've something new to keep me occupied during these couple days of rain.  What's on your frame?



  1. Oh I can't wait to see you hook the Bird on the Stump ! And your Dog looks great , guess the wonky line would have driven you crazy ......now it's perfect !
    Have Fun hooking on the rainy days !!!

  2. That rug will be a masterpiece...but you forgot to add the pattern (as you can see below). It happens to the best of us ;-)
    Junkyard Dog looks good!!!

  3. The new one looks fun,,, love ur dog mat

  4. I to think the new rug you selected looks like a fun hook. I be stitching me some witches today on a rainy day. We had some mighty boomers come in last night between 9 and 10 and the lightning was wicked. We were under a warning at one point. Have fun hooking in the rain. Janice

  5. I can't wait to see what you do with this one!! On my frame? Ummm, nothing on my hooking frame. Took the poor thing off before it stretched wonky from neglect. But on my stitching frame there's a witch. ;-) Looks like our rain is done for a good long while. Hopefully the fields will dry out a bit...but I will be back to watering. ~Robin~

  6. I like your Junk Yard Dog. But oh my, love! the up-n-comin'. That's going to be a fun one. 😊


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