Tuesday, July 9, 2024


Hook what you know is a lesson I learned early on when first attending rug camp.  After you've hooked the colors on the motifs the teacher color planned for your rug and she hasn't come full circle what do you do?  You hook some background because you know what color you want.  Or, that's another reason to carry something else to work on before the teacher makes her first rounds, when all else fails or at night.  But then I don't have a 'plus one' at the moment.
That is unless you're unsure exactly what you want to do with the background too.  In case you've not seen the original antique from which I adapted the rug, or don't remember here it is.
Because the antique rug's background was so busy (junky) is how it got it's name.  And since a majority of comments liked Junk Yard Dog name more than Lucky, that name won.  

I kept the initials at the top and made them into my initials of SP.  Didn't know if I wanted to fill in that small spot top left with the green or fill in with the tan.  AND, about those initials ... not sure I like the light color.  Perhaps I like the darker S shape at the front of my dog better than the light colors at the top.

Also not sure how I want to handle the background around the flowers ~ the top one has a white outline the one bottom left has a texture and since I'm undecided haven't even thought about the flower bottom right side yet.  

By now you're wondering just how long I've been hooking???  😑  Would you believe about 30 years???  I'm ashamed to admit that.  You'd think I'd have all the answers.  People who have been hooking less than me are teachers.  Oh well, if I didn't share my struggles with color and decisions what kind of blogger friend would I be?  Must say tho, I still enjoy the hooking process even if I hook myself into a corner.

Happy hooking inside with the A/C, baby it's HOT outside.



  1. It's very hot here,,but full on rain Today! Remains from beryl is here,,,
    Don't mind at all,,once it's over the weeding us easier,,,
    I have been hooking for almost 30 years as well,,,!wow,,,,,time Flys,,,

  2. I am sure even teachers occasionally learn something new...and they too sometimes struggle with color. I know I have changed colors a teacher thought were perfect.
    Your version is SO much better than the antique.
    I vote for changing the S and P to a darker shade...especially the S.

  3. I agree with Sissy... I know a very good teach/color planner who vacillates with color choices and you'd probably be amazed when we get together to color plan a rug for me. She knows what I like but, eventually, it comes down to I know what I like when I see it...and when I see it, there isn't any talking me out of it. I, too, would probably opt for darker letters...but like the idea of have different outlines for the flowers. Jazzes things up a bit. We hit 81º today...but with a nice breeze so still no a/c for me...which is more than fine by me. A perfect weather day in my book. ~Robin~

  4. I am the teacher for the newbies at work and I even learned something new this week. Been doing this for almost 50 years so trust me everyone can learn something new at whatever age. To me with the second letter "S" or scroll your initials at the top seem lost now. Maybe a change in the scrolls in the middle or your initials would be better. I do like you version much better though...and the colors you chose. Janice


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