Monday, July 15, 2024

Junk Yard Dog Update

I've made a few changes to the rug, some obviously noticeable and others not so much.  You can survey the rug to discover them for yourselves, this is what it looks like now. 
Below is the before photo.  Interesting that I took the photo with the same camera, in the same spot but appears there's more of a shadow on the above photo so perhaps my chair was pulled out too far and casting a shadow.
And finally, here is the original antique.
Still haven't decided what my next project will be, but not only did I do some line drawings yesterday, I also reviewed more saved antique rug photos.  Hope I'll come to a decision soon as I will want something to start as soon as JY dog is hooked.

Another hot, hazy, humid day here and weatherman said a couple thunderstorms might come thru tonight.  Of course that means it would also bring rain with it.

Below is the inside thermostat showing the time is almost 7 p.m. yet the temperature outside is still a high 92 degrees.  I did have my thermostat set at 77 inside but changed it to 76 to cool me off just a little.  Am sure most of you keep your house cooler than that in the summer.  You wouldn't believe the low temps I keep my house during the winter in an effort to reduce my expenses.
Divine intervention saved former, and hopefully future, President Trump from an attempted assassination Saturday afternoon.  Am praying for the safety of President Trump and God Bless America .  Frankly I believe Robert Kennedy, Jr. should be allowed Secret Service protection as well.  Unfortunately he has been denied that by the present administration.



  1. I like your subtle changes, especially the more muted S & P.
    I keep my house around 76*, give or take a degree or two. Winter is another story. I would absolutely freeze in your house.
    Trump is a very lucky man. Just an inch closer and he would be a dead man. I absolutely cannot believe the hatred for that man displayed on Facebook. Too many want him dead. Is that because he is such a threat...not to democracy...but to the corruption in our government? Oh, don't get me started.
    Off my soapbox now.

  2. JYD is looking good... I was more than happy with the before but agree that the after is more subtle and muted lending to an antique vibe. We had a couple days of heat and humidity and I broke down and turned the a/c on for a few hours - only to discover that my a/c had broke down and is leaking all over. Grrrr.... Not overly concerned about the a/c as I rarely use it, but another thing that needs to be repaired on the list. We're back to 70's now...tomorrow our high is only supposed to 70º. No, I won't turn on the heat. LOL. ~Robin~

  3. too hot for me to hook here in HELLo Virginia! ~ hoping for some relief from this crazy heat and drought soon! Lori from NFF

  4. Am not going to get on my soapbox again as you know how I feel, but do agree RFK Jr should have secret service. Loving the subtle changes you made JY. Janice


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