Saturday, December 30, 2023


For those of you who couldn't find the gnome in the rug and wondering where it was, look at the photo below.  I outlined the gnome so it is easier to identify.  Did the hooker intend it to be a gnome or was it a fluke?  Don't know but I'd like to think whoever hooked it decided to add a little interest to her rug and give the kids some entertainment looking for a hidden person.
There is only one bid on the rug and 2 days before end of auction.  I'm not bidding on it so if you're interested contact Carey Auctions in Youngstown, PA or bid on line HERE.  If not for the charm of the whimsical rug itself, remember it was once owned by Barb Carroll.

So far Chris Z is the only person to notice the gnome and she identified the location perfectly.  Thanks Chris for taking the time to comment and thank you for being a loyal follower.

I'd intended to outline the gnome on the iPad but attempting to charge the pencil's internal battery failed.  Then I learned the pencils are useless after a couple years.  And am sure it had been at least that long since it was used last.   When I purchased the iPencil the cost was $99 but now the cost is only $24.  Don't think I'll purchase one, after all if I haven't wanted to use it in a couple years how badly do I need it? 

Hard to believe another year is coming to a close; how did this last year go by so fast?  With just 2 days left in this year am quite sure my present rug won't get finished.  I'd be happy just to have all the loops pulled and even if it has to be bound in 2024 would call it a hooked rug  in 2023.  Guess I'd better 'publish' this post and get hooking to see how much I can accomplish.


  1. I know you don't think so, but I can't believe how quickly you are hooking your sheep rug. Looking forward to an update!
    Happy New Year!

  2. Hmmm...guess it's one of those things that once you see it, you can't really unsee it. I was totally off base. Happy hooking. I have a date with my bed I think. Caught some bug and feel rotten. ~Robin~

    1. Well, darn Robin. Feel better soon. Get healthy before the new year and stay that way ;-)

  3. Nope I missed it. When you see what the rugs are going for it makes me so sad.
    Happy New Year

  4. Happy New Year!

    I looked at the rug auction photo. I think it would have taken a while to find the gnome.

  5. Have a Happy New Year Saundra ! This year did fly by way too quickly !!!


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