Sunday, December 10, 2023


It is just a couple weeks before year's end so am taking stock of what projects will get left behind going into next year.  As of this second there are 3 rugs in limbo  ~ 1776 Eagle which should be bound by the end of today and will get posted, the Circles rug which is completely hooked but needs binding and the antique sheep rug which is presently in solitary confinement.

The circles rug should be completely bound before January so that leaves the lost sheep.  I really hate the thought of not finishing the sheep because I'm not a quitter.  So before pulling out all the wool strips around the sheep will think about what I can do to save its life, lol.

Fast forward to afternoon....1776 Eagle binding is complete and once again am unable to capture a straight photo after 3 tries.
With no rug ready to hook it is time to start binding Going in Circles.  Ya wanna know how bored with binding I am?????  I've got to rectify that situation pronto before I go bonkers!!!  Meanwhile, gonna go bind



  1. Isn't it funny how some rugs just won't photograph straight?
    One unfinished rug for the year? I'd say you done good ;-)

  2. I think you have made amazing progress! Better to do a pleasing job than to just get one done to meet the numbers quota.

  3. Eagle looks great. Have fun binding...still need to bind my woman on horseback so that tells you how much I enjoy doing it. LOL Janice

  4. You get an "A" on your report card. Binding should be a pleasure if you reward yourself with a sip of wine every inch of whipping you whip on the border. I never counted how many sip there is in a glass, and it all depends on how big the glass is too. lol...

  5. The eagle mat is absolutely beautiful. Well done you ! And such a nice job you’re doing with the ATHA mag.


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