Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Plan B

With the Eagle bound and the Circles rug in process of being bound I just couldn't abandon the sheep so had to come up with plan B.  Besides I needed to put a hook in my hand!!!!!  So searched for any color wool other than purple which could replace that which had already been hooked.  One color chosen was a pastel plaid, another a neutral light color but one darker texture I thought might work.

Rather than pulling out the purple immediately I hooked another flower and tried the plan B wool at the opposite corner.  This is what it looks like now ~ plan B at the bottom left and previous purple top left.
Am sure you're wondering what the other wool looked like so here are the other photos I took with wool to ponder.  First photo is the pastel plaid.
Here is a grey texture.
And then the plaid that I've hooked in the top photo.  I thought perhaps I could use the grey stripes for close to the flower and leaves and use the plaid which had the same flower colors in areas away from the flower corners. 
Frankly after taking the photo and looking at the rug on the floor the purple only appeared as a neutral and I didn't find it as offensive as I did a couple weeks ago.   Not sure I'll get any loops pulled tomorrow as I've a doctor appointment and having a procedure done on my leg veins and have no clue how long I'll be there.  The doctor is 1 hr. 15 minutes away but the drive home will be longer since it will be high traffic time.  
In other news, the local weatherman said Seaford had 3" of rain Sunday into Monday so the the lake is back.  There is water in the woods to the left of this photo and across the back of the property  ~ it is like having a semi-moat around my property.
And just heard the future weather forecast and there is another storm on the way this weekend which means more rain in the moat.



  1. I'm sure you will figure out plan B in no time.
    I think I am liking the wool in the bottom left corner of the first picture better than the purple...but you know, I am not a purple person and I have a hard time seeing it as a neutral.
    At least you don't have to worry about mosquitos breeding at this time of year!

  2. Loving ur sheep,,,,
    Quite the lake,,,,!
    Take care with UR surgery,,,

  3. You and Lauren are the experts on these antique rugs adaptions but my preference would be the pastel plaid as I think it has a unifying effect with the other colors. I love that pastel plaid. Taste is a personal thing so let your personal taste lead you.

  4. I'm not a purple person either , but am sure you will find the perfect color !
    We are suppose to get all that rain Sunday night into Monday ....I'm glad it won't be snow though .

  5. I like the new color at the bottom rather than the purple, but you need to chose what you like best. Janice


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