Wednesday, February 7, 2024


What a timely and perfect title to my blog.  And thanks to friend blogger Cathy of Acorn Hollow for providing the idea for my post since that was the title of her last post.  

This morning after breakfast I started drawing patterns.  Most were Dancing Rabbits patterns but there were three other designs ordered too.  Since I'm a one woman operation it's me cutting and serging the linen and drawing so only accomplished one pattern before lunch.  Then went back to draw more but quit just before 5 p.m. to watch The Five.  Then another order for rabbits came in so will finish drawing and ship the patterns tomorrow.

Here's what has been ordered.  What took most of my morning was drawing the Cottage and Apple Tree.  I had to really concentrate on the tree limbs and apple's as it is easy to get confused as to where the limb and the background were because of the location of the apples.
Five Dancing Rabbits patterns, some with border some without. 
One Ali Katz small (without the zig zag border ends).
And one Mache' Jacks.
Or at least that's all on the schedule so far.  In queue tomorrow will be to finish Ali Katz and draw the last order for Dancing Rabbits with border.  Wish I could be more creative in my blog post this evening but I feel brain dead and tired.  BUT!  Not too tired to pull some loops.




  1. love that cottage and apple tree ~ such a cool vibe!
    Lori from Notforgotten Farm

  2. Okay you threw me with the title ๐Ÿ˜‚. I love all of these rugs. Your followers and clients have superb taste ๐Ÿ˜
    Lady Locust

  3. Love all the mats,,,
    You gave been Busy!

  4. You've been very busy. I have the same thing happening to me. The days goes by so quickly, I don't know where the day went either.
    The week just started and already the weekend is near.

    Stay busy and hook on.

  5. Wow you had a lot of patterns to draw & stitch !! I don't know how you got so many done so quickly . I find getting everything to be straight on the grain can take me forever ! Even pulling threads takes time and patience !!!

  6. Well look at you go you little pattern drawer you! Fun, colorful choices by your clients. And I can tell it makes you happy. Well, not as happy as pulling your loops, but happy nonetheless. ~Robin~


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