Sunday, March 24, 2024


Bet you've all been wondering what would be on my frame next and here is the start.
Oh heck, can't see what it is?  What a bad photographer I must be
😁.  Will try harder to get a good shot next time.  Meanwhile will keep you in suspense.

But ... just can't do that to my loyal friends so will show you the antique I'm replicating.  Which is 1922 Fox.  After drawing it for someone else decided it would be lovely on my frame too since I often see beautiful red fox traverse my property.
The monsoon of yesterday brought the water table back to it's fullest level.  This is the front yard.
Two shots of the backyard where the water leaves only small areas above the water level.  And water encroached the fenced area where my dogs would have visited.
The photo below shows the water extending all the way to the farm behind my property.
The other thing I want to mention/ask is if you have now or ever had a FitBit tracker.  If so, what was your experience?  I have owned many over the past several years.  Had to buy new ones because they stop syncing my steps, battery died too quickly or some other issue.  Perhaps once I was fortunate to have a 'warranty' replacement but the rest of the time I've either purchased another from Walmart or from the site.  

No longer.  I'm done, fini and will use a watch for the time and not bother with tracking my steps or sleep.  I've spent way too much money on replacements and too much time trying to get issues running properly again.  So Google Fitbit, you've lost me as a customer.  In all honesty I've not tried another brand because Fitbit was the original developer/seller so thought they'd have a better product.



  1. Great new project we have fox here often. Sorry for the water as long as it doesn't come into the house. We had snow and lots of it.
    I have never had a fitbit my friend has had one for years.

  2. Of course you are already off to a great start on your newest old rug!
    I hope your lake levels don't rise any higher.
    I have had 2 fitbit over the last 6.5 years. The first one lasted probably 3 years and have had this Charge 2 ever since. So far so good with no issues. I bought it after the Charge 3 came out so not too pricey. Worth it for me bc it keeps me motivated.

  3. Absolutely love the fox pattern! On my to do list.

  4. Never had a fit bit,,,,the fox mat will be fun,,,,

  5. Yes! I was hoping you'd do the fox. It makes me happy just looking at it. Eeek on the water. Even though we got 11+" of white sh*t, I don't think I'll be trading. Oh, and we're to get rain now on top of this mess. I had a Fitbit "type" watch - not sure if it was an actual Fitbit or not - It tracked my steps and monitored vitals, etc. We got it free when we upgraded our phones. The only reason I wore it was because an attached game. You could bank your steps and then trade them in for things to populate an island with (plants, buildings, etc.) and then when those items gave rewards each days, etc. Hard to explain but I was kind of hooked on it. Then it stopped working and rumor had it that game was history too so never bothered with another. I have clocks here in the house or can look at my ipad or tv or whatever might be on to tell time when I'm here (which is mostly) and if I go out, I have my phone. ~Robin~

  6. Your poor yard ! We got almost 3"of rain all day long on Saturday it's Sunny , but the wind makes it feel so cold . I hope it warms up for Easter weekend .
    Can't wait to see you hook your Fox !
    I never had a FitBit ....I just keep track of how long my walks take me in the mornings . With the wind , I have shortend my walks , it's like being in a wind tunnel ! I am exhausted when I get home .

  7. no, no fitbit or anything like it. Your property is pretty even with the rain, soon it will be lush for it has had a good drink from the heavens. We are having a very gusty wind day, and I'm wondering what that will bring in. Mother Natures vaccum cleaner is whisking away things and bringing new things...Blessed Easter

  8. It looks like you have a brook in your yard. My eyes rested on your blooming Forsythia. It's so beautiful.

    I never has a Fitbit. I figured that I was in steady motion and didn't need one. I've been more sedentary this winter but I know, once the weather warms up, I'll be pushing myself a little more but I have already too much to do and plan to cut back.

    Hugs, Julia


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