Thursday, June 20, 2024


This is a photo of me back in 1977.  It may be a black and white pic but you can tell I'm quite dark.  Just compare me to the guy's neck in the foreground or my clothing.
Yup, I loved the sun, loved the beach and surf fishing off Assateague Island, MD with my husband Gary and son Greg (10 at the time).  My sun lotion was a mixture of baby oil and iodine so I'd bake and turn dark like in a frying pan.  What the hell was I thinking?

Now to the Public Service Announcement.  That skin abuse does come back to haunt us; maybe not right away, but eventually. I saw a spot show up on my arm and waited a couple days to see if it turned into one of those unproblematic age spots.  But it didn't.  

So Monday I went to my dermatologist to show her that spot on my arm and a tiny one on the other arm.  She said they were pre-cancer spots and froze them off.  
At the end of September I'll have my annual visit where she checks the entire body for things I may have missed.  Of course now I use sunscreen during the summer and Solbar Zinc on my face even during the winter months.  That is an over the counter item which she and other dermatologists recommend for daily use even during the winter.

Okay, back to the THROWBACK segment.  This one surprised me.  While looking for that B&W photo of me and flipping thru pages of memories of Assateague Island was stopped mid flip of the album.  In the photo is my ex-Bruce.  What???  I don't recall seeing this even when I was married to him.
You won't know the people but will try to explain.  Okay, so try and stick with me here... the guy with the beard is a long time Assateague Island friend Charlie.  The guy in the white hat is my deceased husband Gary who is handing someone a beer; we'd known Charlie for years.  There are a couple people I don't know by name but the guy in red is a lifeguard.  Charlie always had loads of friends he'd met with other folks on the Island.  I'll come back to this photo is a moment.

That photo was taken 1978 and we moved to Northern California 1979.  Gary died 1981 and I moved myself and son back to Delaware not long after.   Fast forward a couple years when my son and I went to Assateague Island to visit Charlie at his camp site during the summer.  

BTW, believe it or not Charlie was a special ed teacher in the Baltimore school district who lived on Assateague Island  in a tent during the summer months.  Gary and I only knew him because of the Assateague connection.  Okay, FF...

So when I and Greg visited Charlie he asked me if I remembered Bruce Slagle.  Who?  Didn't remember meeting him.  Charlie said he thought he and I should meet and thought we'd get along well.

Call me SHOCKED when I see that photo and immediately see Bruce, my ex.  He is the guy in the black hat.  Seems I recall in cowboy movies it was the good guys who wore white hats and the bad boys wore black.  Funny as I think about that now.

Sorry this is such a long and boring post.  This is my thermostat today and tomorrow will be hotter.  But Sunday might burn up the thermostat with the heat numbers.  Weatherman said it might reach 108 - 110 on Sunday here.  My lake disappeared and now it's crispy grass and leaves.
Buy that sunscreen and put it on in this sun.


Tuesday, June 18, 2024


The last loop was pulled on the adaptation of Running Horse; or so I thought.  After taking this photo and seeing it on my computer monitor decided one or two of those white strips under the horse's mouth should be replaced.  OH, that is a wool thread just under the chin which has since been removed.
And so I did, here it is now.  Perhaps this one below is better but me thinks this is gonna stay regardless.
Plan is to switch from my favorite muse, a horse of course, to a different subject for the next project.  These are the colors I'll start with, which are from my worm baggies.  I usually start there before cutting any new wool.  In the zipper bag are all my primitive darks.
What is on your frame?  Happy hooking.


Sunday, June 16, 2024


Lovely rug with petite flowers in diamond shapes.  Size is 24 x 65 and said to be hooked 1900.
A nice primitive abstract geometric dated late 19th century, 39 x 44.
House and landscape hooked early to mid 20th century.  Dimensions are 18 x 35.5.
A dog, no date provided, but measures 19 x 33.  From estate of Kathrine Pease.
Feathers and fur ~ are they friends or foe?  Given a date of 1910.   
Torso of two deer 19th century.   The background is blotchy but colors are a very close match except for a couple small spots.  As you know I sure do like a blotchy background.
Boy will I have a mess to clean up around my hooking spot when the last loop is pulled on Running Horse.  Try tho I may to keep colors together in separate containers there always seems to be a mountain of mixed values and colors to my right on the end table and arm of the sofa.  Won't be looking forward to that.  Sometimes I think I'd rather bind a rug than clean up after my mess.


Thursday, June 13, 2024


Finally finished binding 1922 Fox yesterday and even sewed on the label.  That label was the last of 6 printed on an 8.5 x 11 cotton sheet.  Now will  have to hook 6 more rugs to print out the next 6.
The house washing task was completed today and just in time before the heat and humidity skyrockets.  A couple folks have asked me what product I used and this is it.  Was purchased at my local Walmart.
The hose attachment (on the left) has a wash, off, and rinse selection.  And when that became empty it was filled back up from the gallon container on the right.  

SO glad the house is done ~ on the far end I was unable to reach the 2nd floor with my mop so still shows green mold.  Hopefully my HVAC guy won't look up when he comes again.

With the house done I decided to get an estimate to have my decks washed and sealed professionally.  The guy came out today and said he'd have estimates for me in a couple days.  I last did the back deck myself 2 years ago and posted about it HERE.

Gonna play with my hook and wool for a while and ponder what it must be like to have the life of luxury and have everything done for you.  Yet that's not how I was raised and guess it is a good thing I was taught to be responsible.  Oh, and yup, I was spanked and never considered it parental abuse for I earned every whooping I got, lol.


Wednesday, June 12, 2024


Plans for today are 1) get my vehicle inspected for new tags, and 2) finish binding 1922 Fox while I wait in line at the inspection lane.  Soon, I  hope, the Running Horse rug will fill that empty spot for binding.
Yesterday I continued with my on-going project of washing the vinyl siding on the house and was on half of the back side.  I forgot to take pictures of the previous before and after washing days.  Here are photos of the before washing of
the indented part of the left side of the back.  I still have the far right side to do another day, and the other end of the house.  
And this is the after.  
A professional could have had this whole project done in an afternoon ~ but at what cost to me?
Guess I'd better get myself organized, post this and get ready to leave for the DMV.


Sunday, June 9, 2024


Yesterday I did some mundane household chores and my wool arrived from The Wool Studio so washed up those two yards.  I miss having Heavens to Betsy wool, I know we still have Dorr, but Betsy had some great wool and it was a regular weave not the tight weave (TW) that Rebecca sells.

So now I've a question for you ~ do you like the tight weave wool?  And do you wash it or use it as is?  I find that after washing the TW it ends up feeling like coat weight wool.
Today I washed my vehicle which hadn't been washed in YEARS!  My vehicle lives in the garage so it is shielded from some elements.  But road grime during my limited traveling does get it dirty.  So it looks nice and clean for a change.

Then after doing that I washed the short side of my home and got rid of dirt and green mildew.  By then it was time for lunch and was too tired to do anymore house washing.  I've a haircut tomorrow and by the time I get home it will be lunchtime and too hot and humid to put my body thru house washing again.  Besides, that mildew will still be there waiting for me.

Gonna go play with my hook and wool with a glass of cab. 🍷 Cheers.


Friday, June 7, 2024


For you stitchers, here is something I found during my on-line antique textile hunt.  Look at the remarkable work of a 9 year old.  As you're well aware, back then young girls were taught handiwork as one area of perfection expected of a proper lady of the time.  I'd never have been selected as a wife with my stitchery examples, lol.
In case you can't read the text here is what was shown as the close up of that section.
I received my wool samples from The Wool Studio a couple days ago.  You cannot depend on the photos on the web site to properly depict the true color.  I was pleasantly surprised to see Cranberry Relish is not like the picture on her web site.  I ordered a yard since is a dark red and not a pinky red. Also ordered more of the Black Jack reversible which is a staple of mine.

So as a public service announcement I'm posting these more true colors of her wool.  If you have trouble figuring out the name of the wool from my photo to that on her web site, email me and I'll give you the name.  BE SURE you are not a No-Reply blogger or you won't get my reply.
Happy Friday.


Tuesday, June 4, 2024


I've found a few new rugs, or at least new to me.  First is a cat with a Greek key style border.  Dimensions of 26 x 38.5 were provided but no date.  It appears to be old with my limited knowledge and not looking or feeling it in person.
Good Luck rug is from the estate of George Fernald of Chatham, NH.  It measures 
24 x 36, again no date provided by the auction house.
This one titled TOON INN is from estate of Kathrine Pease.  Public domain is questionable since the auction house gave it an 'around time' of mid 20th century.  But oh my did it intrigue me.

Inside the oval, on the left, appears to be a fisherman on a pier?  Artistic perspective is a little off on that me thinks, but the hooker was capturing an event.  There is also a boat in the water yet there are two people who seem to be walking in water around their ankles.  This is such a fun landscape, floral, and apparently a memory rug.  With all its quirkiness I think it is sweet.
A round 28" shirred mat.  This was the only photo available so am guessing it is the front and severely worn.  So for you newbies who want an antique that would be a great practice piece and easy to draw. 
A lovely landscape I copied from Edyth O'Neill's blog.
Here's the dog rug I recently showed you as a pattern I drew for someone.  Decided to put it in  a 'rug show' post in case someone does a search for 'rug shows'.
country cottage landscape dated 1890.   Appears to have been well worn.
A 19th century embroidered dog.  Would love to know the story about this piece.  Why is there a pocket or pockets on it?  Was this a project by a young girl to practice her stitches?

A floral /geometric hooked between 1900-1920.   I wonder about this one too ~ is the W M just a happy accidental part of the design or did the person have initials of WM?
And last, a horse hooked in the 19th century.  Must say I'd have worked a little harder to get the tail end of the horse to look right and eliminate or make smaller, the flowers on the sides.  Some show horses do have bobbed tails but this one looks a little strange.  So we'll call it a naïve primitive hooked rug, lol. 
In other news ~ I had intended to submit my hooked Mother With Fishbowl photo to ATHA in time for the "Family Portrait" issue.  The deadline was June1 but I lost track of time and was 3 days late.  Not sure it will appear in the issue and will understand if it isn't because of my lateness.

Happy hooking, gardening, stitching, etc.

Sunday, June 2, 2024


Had some leftover dye so decided to over dye more of the grey stripe and checkered plaid.  The previous dye job is to the left and the latest darker wool is obvious.
I've been hooking on Running Horse at a snail's pace but this is where I am at the moment.  Lauren started her Askew pattern after I started this (me thinks), hers is larger and she's finished hooking it already.
My next project will be an antique dog rug, unless I change my mind, but it has been top on the list for many weeks now so perhaps that will be the one.  Still hasn't been put on linen yet tho so who knows. 

For the person who commented on an old Barbara E Merry blog post as to whether I had any more of her rugs for sale ~ I never had any of her rugs for sale.  There were just posted as part of my sharing pictures of her numerous works.  Was unable to respond to you as you are a NO-REPLY blogger.
