Tuesday, May 16, 2023


The song "Begin the Beguine" was written by Cole Porter in 1935, recorded by Artie Shaw and became a musical hit in 1938.  A beguine is a popular and physically active dance in the islands of St. Lucia and Martinique which is similar to a rhumba.   

My 'beguine' may be a physical activity to clean up after my wool room neglect but it is not a dance to be enjoyed.  It's rather similar to the binding process which is most unpleasant in my opinion.   But before I can begin drawing my next rug project this is what must be cleaned up first.  

This is the mess I usually make while pulling wool for a new project and with each new rug and getting ready for camp.  If only I'd be diligent and put things back right away.  But you know some of that same wool is  needed to finish the rug so there it sits until the rug is done.

This first photo is after I'd already started folding and putting away some wool before deciding to take photos.  So when someone requests a pattern and my reply is, "will draw it as soon as I clean off the drawing/cutting table" this is what I'm referring to.
Another view of wool clutter, below you can see the two different paisley wool pieces purchased on FB which haven't made their way to the shelves yet either.
And more to the left just piled up on top of a container.  Believe it or not behind and under the rats nest below is an antique ice cream parlor table and chairs.  Am hoping next time I take a photo you'll be able to see it.
So one day soon you'll get to see what will go on my frame ~ when it's drawn.  But that will wait as there's a smidgen more to hook on the horse and a massive clean up of the wool room.  Until then, happy hooking.



  1. My sewing/hooking room is a mess also. I try to clean it up and I do get some put away. Until .. I find some treasure, a piece of wool, a forgotten project, etc. Then I'm off on a tangent with thoughts ", I'll clean up later".

  2. Isn't it amazing how quickly a room can go from somewhat organized to a total disaster?

  3. It's a lovely mess... The more wool you have, the more space it takes. I don't have that problem as I dye most of my wool for each project and it doesn't take up much space but dyeing wool can be time consuming.

    Either way, I can't work in a messy place since my childhood. I like everything in it's place which is just the opposite of my husband. Between the both of us, my house is constantly in a mess, especially when I work outdoors all day. It's raining right now, so I'm inside planting squash and cucumber seeds and the sunroom floor is covered with potting soil that fell on the floor and pots and seedlings are everywhere. Time for a cup of tea and checking the blogs.

    Take care, hugs.

  4. It's a Beautiful mess !!! I envy you ....I am constantly putting all my mess away due to little twin 4 year olds coming over ....I make 20 trips up & down the stairs putting piles on a bed & closing the door , but sometimes I just throw things in drawers & can't find them later !!!LOL

  5. Nothing quite as lovely as creative chaos. Love those paisleys! I spied them immediately even before I read your post. Now off to track down that song...I'm not familiar with it nor with the beguine. ~Robin~

  6. Well that looks like my guest room bed when I pull things out to start creating something. Then I have to clean it all up before my mom or anyone else comes to visit. LOL Like Robin, I do love the paisleys. Janice

  7. I wish I knew why things can go off the rails so fast, and take so much time and effort to return to order. It matters not if it's the stash that's been rooted through, weight, finances, relationships... Thanks for showing your "in the midst of a project" wool room.


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