Monday, May 31, 2021


Today we honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice in service to our Country as well as those who served and are serving.
A tribute to my first husband who served in the Air Force, National Guard and then Regular Army where he attended Signal Corps School in New Jersey.
Edward C. Patterson, my wonderful step-father but more like a father, was in the Navy Seabees doing tours of duty in active zones like Viet Nam, Korea, and was stationed at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base for a while.    

If you look closely at the photo below you will notice a Presidential Seal and Patch as Pat also served at Camp David during the years of President Eisenhower, President Kennedy and Pres. Lyndon Johnson.  Oh but I enjoyed the stories Pat would tell me when I stayed the weekend with them.
A Shield I recently hooked, an adaptation of a triptych design.
Hope the angle of the photo of my door wreath doesn't make you dizzy, but I'm too lazy to take another.
And a Patriotic Bear and Hat I made which is always on duty in my office.
Hope you have a safe and fun Memorial Day today.


Friday, May 28, 2021

All Hooked ~ Now to Bind

Nope, not the flag.  I'm finished hooking Jewel Basket and going to start binding it very soon.  But not until I draw out the 'next thing' for my frame.  Here it is and am so happy I chose to buy the pattern and hook it a second time after learning a little about rug hooking.
This is how I hooked the same design in 2004.   If you look above you'll  notice some of the leaves were removed , flowers enlarged or moved them.  None of the blue trumpet flowers were hooked that way either.  Subtle changes but I'm much  happier with the new rendition than the old.
The old version looks too sterile with all the same wool for background color.  It's also too matchy matchy.  Maybe because I love antique rugs the imperfect and irregular hooking of the blotchy background is much more interesting and think the new one is warmer and more inviting.

Previously I showed the background wool used but for anyone just tuning in to my blog here they are again.
Blogger must be having inconsistent issues as it doesn't seem to be playing nice for either Lauren (Rugs and Pugs) or Cathy (Acorn Hollow).  But I didn't seem to have a problem posting pictures in the normal way. 

However... Beginning July the 'Follow by Email' widget (feedburner) is going away.  Which means the posts won't automatically go to  you, instead you will need to find me.  That will affect all Blogger people so hope you family of bloggers will inform me if you find an alternative.

I have received spam ads from people offering the service at a cost but I'm not going to pay extra.  I figure if you (the readers) are interested in my blog and what I post, you (the readers) will take the time to look for me.  If I notice a drop in visits then my blog will go away as well.

Guess I'll mosey to my wool room and draw the new small design now since I need a break from the flag and something to generate a new enthusiasm.   


Wednesday, May 26, 2021

FIRST is MAIN COURSE then comes DESSERT, right?

Well not in this case.  I'm taking care of the main course and leaving the Canton until last, definitely not what I'd call a sweet dessert or piece of cake (referring to HOOKING that is).  Yet the stripes needed to be hooked too and gives me something to do while I decide what to hook next.
Since there was nothing new to put on my frame thought I'd get as many loops pulled on the flag as possible and straight hooking goes faster than stars and filling in random space.  Until I decide what to hook next I can finish this rug, bind the now finished Jewel Basket (which I'll post about next time), and print out/sew on rug labels (am way behind doing that).

Today the temperature was 93 degrees and the pond dismantling has begun.  The fish have been removed and in a new home with two fish-loving owners.  So two guys came today to get the fish, will come back another day to get the rocks.  Someone else wants the sandbags and the big framing.  
After 10 years of taking care of the pond by myself ~ cleaning the filtering system daily, making sure water level was okay, skimming leaves and limbs from the top it had become too much for me.  I was concerned what it would cost to have a company come in to demolish the pond or another option was to fill it in with dirt and grow something????

WTH, I don't want more stuff to take care of.  I wanted the pond gone.  
Thankfully my son has an American Legion 'good ol boy' network who are the great guys helping.  

It used to be a pretty pond and one day soon after the pond was built and I was still married, I saw a Blue Heron having a fresh fish lunch  on the side of the pond.  I sobbed and my ex built that framing you see with sections which could be removed for skimming off leaves, etc.  But somehow t
hat destroyed the beauty of the pond and it was never the same after.  Well that and mostly the divorce of over 10 years ago 😑.


Monday, May 24, 2021

ISO the Right One

Once again I'm looking for the one antique which makes my heart skip a beat to put on my frame next; and what better way than to do a rug show.  The first one is 8 point Stars which was hooked 19th century and measures 38 x 48.  This doesn't make my heart skip a beat but it is a nice looking rug.
The primitive Rooster and Hearts measures 28 x 30 and comes from the estate of Alva Hood Angle.  However she wasn't the hooker as the initials MR are hidden top right just under the heart.  That is unless the Rooster's name was Mr. 😄.  Sorry, but he doesn't do it for me either.
Look at this old shirred antique mat below.  It is beautiful, old but still isn't "the one".  Click on the photo to enlarge and see more of its beauty.
Happy is the Sailors Bride measures 34.5 x 48 and owned by a private collector.  I've considered hooking a Hutchinson sailor type rug since I had a relationship with an Icelandic sea Captain.  But I wasn't a bride so  this wouldn't work.  Maybe one where the sailor has a girl at every port which may well have been the case with my fine Icelandic Captain, lol.
Believe it or not this Potted Plant hooked rug caught my attention for a certain spot on the wall near where I hook.  I recently gave my son a vintage Johnnie Walker liquor store display which had been electrified and made into a lamp.  I've had it for decades but knew it would look great in his 'man cave' .

Since I have an OTT light behind me for hooking I didn't a light on the end table using up valuable space.  So it seems bare and feel the need to have something on the wall to fill that void.  Called to asked my son to take a photo of the lamp so you could see what I gave him.  (his room is still a work in progress, notice the insulation).
This rug below might do it for the spot.  The original measures 18 x 36 and was hooked 19th Century.  I wouldn't make mine that big just want it on the wall near me and beside the window.  
Normally I choose horizontal rectangular designs for the floor and wall, but this vertical design would be great in THAT spot.  
Yet I'm looking for something that reaches out and grabs me.  So let's continue with the rug show, shall we?

Recently found on an auction site is the Deer with Pond and Scrolls.  It measures 30 x 48 and this is the faded front.
This shows the repairs on the back a well as the bold colors of the scrolls.  I suspect the rug was in an area where it received a lot of sunlight to fade the colors that much.  Would have liked to see the true colors of the deer.
I  like this Running Horse said to be  hooked in the1800's, it measures 15.5 x 24.  Might make the cut the next time.
Red Floral rug with zigzag oval band and triangle corners.  It measures 16 x 34.
Another vertical design I like is Flower with Birds hooked 1879.  Presently Kimm of Sheep Underfeet (blog) is doing an adaptation of the design.
Guess I can give you one more rug for a round number of 10 and make it a black cat.  The rug measures 23 x 37.
What a difference a day makes.  Yesterday it was 92 degrees and today it is 63.  Happy Hooking.


Saturday, May 22, 2021


Not finished but close to being done, thought I'd give you an update anyway.  Oh, by the way, Wool and Goods is handling Patsy Becker's designs now.
This is the conglomerate of wool used including a couple random pieces in the mix.  Sure doesn't look like the rug does it?  Except you can pick out the areas where that dark striped part of the second piece is hooked.
Since I don't have anything ready for my frame once this is done (yet) guess I'll work on the flag.

What a great day it was to walk into Walmart without a mask!!!!!!  I finally feel free being captive of the government.   The only thing now is that I'm needing to wear makeup, lol.

Happy Saturday, Happy Hooking.

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Throwback Thursday - Flashback Friday

During my walk today was thinking about the old Woolley Fox times and had a couple chuckles.  Thankfully I was walking alone or others would have thought me going batty.  But before that is explained let me tell you more......

During the many years travelling to Barb's classes at Woolley Fox I was fortunate enough to stay in both the Guest House (closest to Barb's home) as well as the more spacious Woolley Cabin.  Each building was equipped with a fridge, microwave, electric tea pot, flatware and dishes.  Barb also provided each building with some eggs, muffins, coffee, tea, condiments, sodas and snacks.  There were also luxurious white robes for each of the guests to use during their stay.  Oh it was a class act.  But the cherry on top was being in a class taught by Barb.

This is the fireplace scene at the Cabin and I always wanted to hook that sheep with scarf which you see on the right of the fireplace wall.  Perhaps one day I will.
Below, do you see the door at the top of the stairs, which would be behind and to the right of the previous photo?  That is where the bolts and bolts of wool was stored for Barb.  It was a locked door and we were instructed to not go upstairs.
Well of course we wouldn't even try as we respected Barb, her rules and knew it was locked.  One night, probably my first night staying in the cottage I started a conversation after at least one glass of wine 😎.  

I wondered if there were security camera's watching us, like you'd see where kids were being tempted with cookies in a school room saying not to eat them and they would get a reward at the end.  Only to see which kid caves first, that gave me a chuckle.

Then I asked the girls if they thought there was the security camera in the eyes of that seemingly friendly 'security bear' on the steps behind the chain.  
I saved the photo in my file as "attack bear".  And no, I don't think there were any cameras in the place watching us.  Isn't he a handsome fella?
Oh but we did have some good times in both the cabin and Guest House and mostly with our classes with Barb Carroll.  I know it doesn't seem like much but revisiting my trips brought back a smile and chuckle.  Which is a good place to be with all the other crap we see around us.


Hope you can find something fun to think about or dream about to put your mind in a kinder place.  Today's chuckle was that for me as I revisited a fun time.


Wednesday, May 19, 2021

The Thin Blue Line Flag

Hooking the Canton part of the flag has been slow and tedious.  I started hooking the stars in #8.5 and then switched to #9 since I've had good luck hooking stars in the past with Kris Miller's technique.  I do like the #9 better but is still going slow and find myself watching more tv than pulling loops out of hesitancy.  Me thinks this will be my go to for need to hook between projects.  

The reason you see bits of white linen between the loops is because the wool is stiff.  I believe once it is pressed it will be just fine.  
For now I'll continue to work on and finish Jewel Basket and ponder what will go on my frame next. 


Monday, May 17, 2021


In case you're wondering, I did reverse hook those dark curved rows in Jewel Basket and The Thin Blue Line Flag is on my frame presently.  However, hooking the Canton part of the flag is tedious and find myself walking away to take a break often.  I've hooked stars numerous times and never felt this.... but as this is a flag and not an antique adaptation or primitive design am finding it stressful.

So since this is break time thought I'd give you a rug show.  Heck, I'll take an antique rug show any day of the week.  I like this first rug of a hooked Bird with hit and miss border.  It measures 19 x 36 with no  mention of date in the auction.  But I like the action of the bird in flight and the border.
Isn't this Downingtown Chicks and Peeps rug cute??  It was said to be hooked early 20th century and measures 18 x 35.  Maybe it should be called "Pecking Order" since it seems the rooster is telling the hen to fetch him some dinner and the hen is giving orders to the peeps.  Sorry, found a little humor in the rug.  Hmm, maybe that was the purpose of the design the original hooker was trying to say.
Shirred Flowers and Urns with a double serpentine border measures 32 x 62.  No date was provided.
The neutral colored rug below I named "Lisa's Grey Horse" because it is an antique rug she wanted me to draw for her to hook.  It has all the elements I like ~ some hit and miss, blotchy background, lots of worms can be used which is great for replicating an antique rug.  I'd planned to hook it too but after working to get good dimensions from a photo at an angle was enough for me to put this one on a backburner.  After that work it felt like I'd already hooked it.
A rug named My Sacred Memories circa 1910-19 measures 27 x 38.
For the feline of the species, let's have a Tabby Cat with Apple Blossoms added to the show.  Sorry, no dimensions or date.
Now for a canine.....Recumbent Dog from Lancaster County is dated 1890 and with initials on the left of EG.
Hope you have seen something here to get your rug hooking mojo going.  I know the brief break from my rug has given me time needed away and am now ready to get back to it.


Sunday, May 16, 2021

Patsy Becker's Jewel Basket Update

I've worked a little more on Jewel Basket and this is what it looks like now.  It doesn't appear nearly what I'd planned.  I wanted to replicate an antique rug with blocks of similar color but the curved dark area top left needs changing.  Am okay with a section of dark but don't like how that area looks.

Am sure you noticed how I've moved images around on the linen including removing some leaves and the trumpet shaped flowers.  
Plan for today was to pull more loops on the Thin Blue Line but before setting Jewel Basket aside think it  needs to be in a better position for me to want to work on it again soon.


Thursday, May 13, 2021


...has made it to the end.  As you can see by the end result I sped up the process by adding wide borders vs. making more star blocks.  At least it is finished and on my bed.
This quilt was started years ago, even before I started this blog in 2011.  It was put in the attic with some cut pieces and fabric for at least 5 years.  Then when it was finally retrieved from the attic it was worked on piecemeal and thought it would never get finished.

Must admit when I was attaching the lining to the front noticed it was longer on one side than the other by about 5".  WTH?  How could that be when I had the same number of blocks on both sides and the border fabric was cut to that length???  Since it on the sides and hidden from view it stayed that way and I added more fabric for the lining to 'make it do'.

I'm quite happy to have this never ending quilt finished.  And can state on good authority..."never will I ever make another quilt!!!!!!!" 

I was going to throw out the pattern pieces but thought I'd ask if anyone is interested in my sending them to you.  If there is anyone crazy enough to want these be sure you aren't a 'no-reply blogger' or use the 'contact me' spot and the first one to respond will get them if they live in the US.


Tuesday, May 11, 2021

The "Plus One" Project

Finally the big reveal of the rug pattern on my frame.  Even if I'd shown you the unhooked photo of the pattern it would be obvious it was a flag.  You may have thought it was the US flag until you saw the black and white hooked part.  Then you would have known immediately it was a Thin Blue Line flag.  That is why it was given the temporarily name "Plus One" until I'd had a chance to show you more of the hooked area.  

With what seems like a war on our Police throughout the United States I've been saddened with each report of an attack and angered with a senseless death.  And the recently brutal beating of Cpl. Keith Heacook just 16 miles down the road from me hit too close to home.  I didn't know him but my heart hurt just as if he was family.  

All of a sudden there was this overwhelming need to hook a Thin Blue Line flag in honor of Cpl. Keith Heacook and other officers who lost their life serving to protect the people of their community.  There's still a way to go on the rug and the Canton part will need a little TLC working around the stars.
Cpl. Keith Heacook was a 22 year veteran of the Delmar State Police, he left behind a teenage son and wife.  He was admired, respected and loved by friends, neighbors, family and even those of us who never met him. 
Rest in Peace Officer Heacook, I'm sure you will do your best to watch over the rest of the BLUE from your place in heaven.  Looking at your gentle eyes makes me want to cry all over again.  God Bless You and God Bless all other Police Officers who serve to protect us.

Readers of this blog, look at his eyes again.  BTW, after his death a person who had been arrested by Officer Heacook years ago called the local radio station and said he had deserved to be arrested and that Officer Heacook was respectful and kind.  I believe he said more wonderful things about him but cannot recall exactly.


Saturday, May 8, 2021

Jewel Basket Update

Just so you know, I'm still working on the 'plus one' design and when there is a little more accomplished will show you what it is.  Meanwhile, here is an update on Jewel Basket.
A lot has been changed on the design ~ some leaves removed or shifted, flowers moved and enlarged and a couple flowers also removed.  Yeah, I could have drawn my own rug but admired the design but wanted to hook Jewel Basket my way.  If I'd drawn it on my own it would still be close to the original Patsy Becker design and that would be illegal.

If you are interested in this pattern Wool and Goods sells Patsy Becker's patterns now.  You can find patterns HERE.  Happy hooking.


Thursday, May 6, 2021

Throwback Thursday

It has been a few years since I enjoyed a rug camp with Barb Carroll but doubt I'll ever make that 6 hour trek to Ligonier, PA again due to the travel.  Barb's skill in working with textures and color to get that old look is top notch and have been very happy with every rug hooked with her.

After Barb sold her Woolley Fox property she had to do a massive downsizing as she was moving from a big home and two cottages down to a townhouse.  All of Barb's buildings had beautiful hooked rugs and antiques, so no matter whether I was staying in the Woolley Cottage or the Guest House those rugs added to the enjoyment of the visit. Here are a couple rugs which were in the Guest House.
You can see the main part of the Guest house in this photo, the bedroom, bathroom and mini-kitchen are to the right.  But here is a close up of those rugs on the wall.
There were also rugs on the walls in the bedroom and one in the big bath (neither shown).  But thought I'd move to the main point of the post.  One year a bunch of us hookers got together and purchased a huge amount of large rubber ducks for her koi pond.  We did this to uplift Barb since she was going thru a rough patch.
Knowing we were soon scheduled for a camp with Barb, Deb and I both decided to design and hook a Rubber Ducky mat to keep the momentum of joy going.  Barb put them in the classroom at her main home; Deb's Duck is on the top and mine is below.
After Barb moved and photos were put up on her new web page I was surprised and honored by what I saw hanging on her wall of the townhouse.  Yup those Rubber Duck mats Deb and I hooked for Barb survived the downsizing.  That is because Barb, in addition to being a great teacher is also very sentimental.
If you would like to visit Barb's web site to see what she is doing, check out the photos and inquire about a class, click HERE.


Wednesday, May 5, 2021

My Plus One

Sometimes I've worked on more than one rug at a time.  Frankly that is good so when I get bored hooking background can grab the other project and have a change of pace.  

I'm still working on Jewel Basket and will show you an update on progress in a day or two.  But yesterday afternoon I had this overwhelming urge hook something else.  Usually I vacillate between project ideas but this idea would not waver.  I knew immediately what would be on my frame next in addition to Jewel Basket.

Today after running errands and after lunch I drew out the Plus One.  That isn't the name of the rug but the name would give away my secret.

Meanwhile and to tease you here is all I've been able to accomplish on this end.  Gee, sorry if this doesn't show you much, but then I've not had time to hook much on it.
FYI, there was a piece of linen already cut and serged and since the two ends only had about a 2" margin I sewed on a piece of cotton to extend the length to grab my grippers.  Waste not want not.


Monday, May 3, 2021


Several years ago a turquoise and silver beaded necklace broke ~ I put the beads and pendant in a baggie but could never find it when I had an urge to repair it.  This breakage happened maybe 2 decades ago before moving here so perhaps I forgot where I placed it in the turmoil of packing.  I knew it had to be somewhere in my possessions and thought I knew where it was stored but wasn't no matter how many times returning to that same box to look.

Today while in my sewing room picking items to take to the thrift shop I saw a vintage quilted box and wondered what the heck was in it.  And there it was in all its glory and all its parts.
And this is the quilted box.  Am wondering what that vintage box was originally used for because since it held a treasure of mine I'd like to clean out the other stuff and use it.  Am wondering if it was used for hankies.  
After finding the necklace parts thought about dropping it at the jewelry store to have them repair it.  HUH?  Saundra, do you know how stupid that sounds after all the craft stuff you've done over the years????  DUH....  Am sure it would be more than $25 and I could purchase findings for much less than that.

As I was running to the grocery story anyway thought I'd check Walmart to see if they had jewelry findings.  Yupper, they did.  Not a big selection but it would work for me to immediately fix my treasure originally purchased out west during travels from the east coast to California.
And here is my newly repaired necklace.  Just after lunch it was my priority and cannot wait to wear it at rug camp in September.
The gauge wire used was probably heavier than needed but was so scared of losing my necklace to a break again that I purchased it.  Nevertheless it is wonderful to have my necklace back again.
