Saturday, November 19, 2022


Based on Judith's comment (who is a no-reply blogger so can't reply to her) I did a search on an alternative to feed burner.  It appears that IF I want to add one to my blog it will come at a in $.  You can read about the research I did HERE.  

So I've come to the disheartening decision that if it is too much trouble for someone to read my blog they don't want to take the time to come find me, then perhaps my blog isn't that important to them.  Sorry for the inconvenience to all  my wonderful readers because I do try to keep you informed and entertained.  C'EST LA VIE 

I changed my mind on Double Eagles.  Previously I said the border would be done after the inside was completely hooked.  But couldn't wait to get started on that border.  I'm not quite happy with the green wool, which is what I have on hand.  I wanted a soft color, almost a grey green.  So may do some dyeing tomorrow and if I can't come up with an appropriate color might need to call on Loris at The Wool Farm.
Perhaps some of you readers my remember several months ago Blogger informed us bloggers they would discontinue their reader subscription program.  Obviously many of my followers contacted me saying they were no longer receiving my blog posts.   

If you look on the top left side of my blog you will see "subscribe to my blog".  That was the gadget available and have no idea how it works or if it works.  This is the icon which was the gadget I added:
I'm not a techie, but it appears one might have to choose a venue from which you'd receive the post?  I've no clue and since I can't go to my own blog to subscribe guess there's no way for me to find out.  Therefore I'd appreciate anyone who attempts subscribing to please let me know if and how it works so I may inform others what to do.

In other news....Mary Comstock is all done!!!   I whipped the edge with wool yarn, each rug I complete might be bound differently but Mary wanted wool yarn.  
Sorry my friends in upstate NY are enduring the rath of winter white stuff but would prefer you not share that with me.  Frankly I'm not pleased with the 10* below normal for us this time of year so am definitely not ready for snow.  

If you were a follower who stopped receiving my blog posts, check out that 'subscribe' spot at the top  left of my blog.  Happy hooking everyone.



  1. Your Mary Comstock is looking very good and I admire your tenacity to getting it despite all the challenges.

    The eagles are also looking good I have no idea as to what color would be better to use. Maybe something a few shade darker than the light color you already have but I'm not good at color planning. I'm sure you'll figure it out.

    Take care and Happy Thanksgiving.
    Hugs, Julia

  2. Even though it was the rug from hell, Mary is a fine finish...and Double Eagles is looking good. I agree that the green is wrong...looks minty green on my monitor.

    I, too, had several people tell me they stopped receiving notification when I post. I clicked on the icon on your blog, but the choices given make no sense to me, and it doesn't appear that those have shown up on my blog. Ugh on technology.

  3. I started looking for another blog reading program after Bloglovin announced they were discontinuing. I found Feedly. It’s not perfect but was able to rebuild my bloggers list on it. I enjoy your posts very much.

  4. You finish is perfect for such a beautiful rug! We have been colder than normal too, but are looking forward to warmer weather next week.

  5. We sure got a dumping of snow,,,too,,,Yikes,,,,3 days of it,,,,
    Sun today,,,,clean up time,,,,
    Haven't been out in 4 days,,,
    Love UR finished mat ,,,Saundra,,,
    Love UR blogs ,,,wouldn't miss them,,,,

  6. I have followers who have apple computers who cannot comment anymore. Sometimes I so hate Blogger. The west side of our state got over 2 ft of snow. UGH I fear it may be a long white Winter. Glad you finished up Mary and double eagles is looking good! Janice


Thanks for taking the time to visit and I always welcome comments.