Wednesday, February 23, 2022


Am taking a brief break from my Dancing Rabbits to work on the antique adaptation Blue Bowl of Flowers.  That way it will give time to those who joined this original venue to send me a photo of their accomplishments on their rabbits.  If you are new to my blog you can find info about the Hook-along HERE.

I'm liking how this is rug is turning out but wish I'd drawn it a tad smaller than the 30 x 41 it is.  I've put this photo on my web site and if anyone wants to hook it but wants a smaller pattern I'll be happy to do that for you.
Janice (Prims by the Water) drew out her Dancing Rabbits pattern and sent me this photo.  Since she and her husband own two shops she's quite busy making items to sell and changing themes in the shops but was able to get in a little hooking time.  It looks sweet Janice and love that flower with the promise of spring. 
There is a weather roller coaster here in Delaware; yesterday and today in the mid to upper 60's again and tomorrow will be at least 30 degrees cooler.  Yet my crocus have popped up strutting themselves.  Here is a yellow one growing among leaves and new holly sprout which will be plucked out later.
One of the many lavender crocus growing among the leaves and broken branches ~ a lot of broken branches in the yard after days of wind.
The wind has been fierce here and had a tree company give me an estimate on removing some trees threatening my house.  Tree companies are so busy they won't be able to get here until maybe the 3rd week of March.  Just hope the trees stay put for a few weeks longer.  The cost estimate was $2,025 and frankly I had a sigh of relief as I thought it might be closer to $3,000.
Whatever you are hooking I hope you are enjoying the process.



  1. Not too bad a price ,,,alot of work,,we paid alot more to have a big elm tree Down!
    Sweet bunny,,,Janice,,,,
    Love yr mat ,Saundra,,,,
    Winds,,ice,,and blowing snow here today,,,

  2. Oh gosh, well I think that is expensive. I am glad it wasn't 3000!! I have my rug drawn out and I dyed wool for it yesterday. I am still sitting staring at it. I just need to pick up my hook and start.
    I like seeing your progress and I like seeing Janice's rug too.
    All the roads in and out of Bakersfield are closed today because of snow.
    Do you remember the Grapevine when you were in California? Have a nice day.

  3. It's a lot of money to have a tree cut and hauled away. My husband has been cutting so many trees for people last fall. Many were leaning toward the houses and he cut the trees and uses the wood for his payment. If the trees are close to power lines, he will not cut them.

    I like your blue bowl rug and although it's large, once it's finished, you won't regret making it larger.

    Janice is such a busy lady and has a good beginning on her rabbit rug.

    It's sunny and 13 ℃ or 55.4 ℉. here today and water puddles everywhere. A lot of the snow is gone but we still have patches in the shade and snowbanks. If looks like spring and some of my daffodils are coming up in a sheltered spot in the back of the house. My first early sign of spring.

    Take care and hook on.

    Hugs, Julia

  4. Oh I so love the colors you chose for your flowers. Your rug is looking good. Ouch on the tree estimate. When we first purchased our home, had to have three huge trees removed. It was a lot of money back then 20 years ago, but I did get a deal having to do three at one time. $2400 for all of them. Pretty crocus colors. I dont have any of these at this house. Maybe I should purchase some. Hopefully Spring will be here soon. Janice

  5. Cutting down trees is expensive , we had 2 huge tall oak trees cut down a few years ago , it cost $1,00 per tree , which wasn't too bad for our area.
    It was 62 here today , just a beautiful Spring day , But tomorrow will be back in the 30's with high winds & then we could get 8-12 inches by Friday afternoon ....UGH

  6. Love your rug and how Janice added the flower to hers !!!!

  7. The dancing bunny event has taken on a life if it's own. Would you consider a smaller hook along? I'm finally settled in Ohio and was looking forward to your event. But i was hoping for something smaller.thanks.

  8. I love that blue basket so much! I just can't believe how large your hooking challenge got you must be excited. I saw the stack of patterns Besty was getting ready to ship. It is nice everyone is getting hooking no matter what.

    1. I will be the one to let you know that Betsy stole the hook along from our dear Saundra. This was not meant to be a Facebook money maker for one person and that is what it has turned in to. So sad.

    2. Thank you Lauren, am humbled but embarrassed my friend had to come to my defense for the scam on FB but NOT perpetuated by me.

  9. Your Blue Bowl is H.U.G.E. but so very wonderful.
    Liking what Janice has done so far.


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