Thursday, December 31, 2020

'Tis New Years Eve

This is the rug on my frame at the moment, tho I do have two small projects sitting in the wings when I get too bored.  It is an antique adaptation of which I have two size patterns ~ some months ago I sold a pattern with dimensions of  23 x 37.5 I'm hooking a smaller version of 20.5 x 33.5.  Yeah it's only a few inches different but makes a difference to me, despite that saying 'size doesn't matter' 😄.
Later this afternoon I'll put my black eyed peas in soak through the night and cook them tomorrow.  Bet if I went to the grocery store today all the bags would be cleared off the shelf.

Tomorrow I'll have a pictorial review of all the projects I hooked during 2020.  This horse will go into the projects hooked in 2021 since it is nowhere near done.

Happy hooking and have a happy and safe new years eve.


Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Last Antique Rug Show of 2020

It has been a while since posting vintage rugs so thought I'd do just one more before the end of the year.  First is a geometric with 4 horses which measures 28 x 41 and located in Pennsylvania. 
This Floral with scrolls is dated between 1890-1920.  No dimensions were provided but the auction house attributed it to the Amish Community using salvaged fabrics and yarn.
A Cat hooked early 20th century measures 28 x 50.
Definitely a primitive naïve 'make-do' hooked Brown Dog from Downingtown, PA.  Documented as being hooked in the1900s measures 20 x 30.
An e
laborate landscape measuring 33 x 80 from estate in Boise, Idaho.  Said to be hooked 1880.
For those who like to see the back for true colors, here is the back with its couple repairs.  Appears it hasn't faded all that much over the years.
Below is a hooked terrier with a realistic looking brick border. The rug was hooked early 20th century and measures 20 x 35. 
Two Roosters with scrolls dated 1900 is from the collection of Virginia Ramsey,  it measures 27.5 x 44.5.
Recently I acquired photos of two more Barbara E. Merry rugs I hadn't posted on my blog before.  This one was provided to me by Barbara's great grandson Ryan.  Barbara married William Boulter (Ryan's great grandfather) and the house they lived in until until Mr. Boulter died.
And within the last couple days I discovered another lovely hooked rug by Barbara E. Merry.  Yesterday I sent a FB message to Ryan (the great grandson) and Phil (the grandson) with the photo and a link to where it is for sale.  I wanted to give the family an opportunity to purchase an heirloom before posting it on my blog.  
This is a close up of the center which makes her initials more noticeable.  If you would like to purchase this rug you can find it HERE for a very reasonable price.
Today I'll pull a few loops on my Horse and Scrolls rug and  maybe, just maybe there will also be small project going as well.  Hope you have some happy hooking going on in your home too.


Sunday, December 27, 2020

The New Year Fast Approaching

Last year I was the lucky winner of a pattern giveaway from Acorn Hollow.  Cathy already had the Cushing pattern and was the recipient of a second one as a gift exchange from her guild.   Since I put my Woolly Santa away thought it worthy of displaying the hooked piece today.  Thanks Cathy, I loved hooking it.
Can't believe a new calendar will be in effect just 5 days from now.  It will probably take me a week to remember to print 2021 when writing a check. 

Made sure to purchase a bag of black-eyed peas last week because one year I was too late and couldn't find black-eyed peas at Walmart anywhere, not in the freezer section or canned goods.  Same bad luck at another grocery store.  Decided to take a chance at Roses discount store and saw someone re-stocking canned black eyed peas so grabbed a can.  Not as good as fresh cooked but if it gave me just a 'little' good luck for the new year that would be good enough.  A little luck is better than no luck 😄 .

Although I do have some Germanic DNA I never grew up eating sauerkraut and pork on New Years eve (Sylvester).  My mother always had the traditional southern meal of black-eyed peas and I carried on that tradition albeit just for me.


Friday, December 25, 2020

Wishing You All the Merriest of Christmases'

As I've been rather nostalgic lately and thinking back to my maternal grandmother's dinners, my thoughts wandered to the mesmerizing snow globe she had on her coffee table.   Mom-moms wasn't as ornate as this one with the fancy base, but I'd shake it and watch the floating flecks drop and then shake it again.  
My departed Rottweiler Ben was a good sport and sat still while I adorned him with an elf cap even tho it was slipping and covering one of his eyes.  Oh but he was a wonderful boy and miss him.
Merry Christmas to you all.  


Thursday, December 24, 2020

Merry Christmas Eve

Perhaps it is time to show you what is on my frame.  This was on my to do list for a while but antique designs have a way of playing 'hooking frames' (a rug hookers version of musical chairs 😁) but now it is a reality.  Wanted to see how my scrolls were turning out and if I need to put more grey in there.
I drew this design for someone else a few months back and she wanted it larger ~ I drew mine out measuring 20 x 33 which is plenty large for me and able to hook the horse in mostly #8 or #8.5.  But as usual will reduce the size as needed just as long as the whole thing didn't require a #6 or smaller.

This is the original antique and I've decided to hook the border antique black like the background.  Which required my making minor adjustments to the outside parts of the scrolls which also affects the entire scroll.
Now wish I'd checked out my hooking and colors on the computer monitor sooner as the color chosen for the horse doesn't look the same in the antique.  Yet, when I took a printed copy of the rug and my iPad to pull wool, it was that piece which looked more like the picture.  Well not in these pictures it doesn't.  Well dang.  Guess I've got a decision to make before I pull any more loops.

I placed a few leftover wool strips, which had been one of the options for the horse, on the horse and frankly I don't see much difference.  And, what I've hooked looks very similar to the antique border in the photo above.  So think I'll leave the loops in because in person the color looks just fine to me.
Merry Christmas Eve to all my readers and followers.  Hope Santa gives you everything you want.  If it is up to the USPS you just might not get it.  

A birthday card from a friend took 2 weeks to arrive.  I ordered a pattern on December 6th from Cushing with just first class postage since there was already a pattern on my frame.  So unless it arrives in the mail today I won't receive it before Christmas.  

Okay, those two experiences were with first class shipping.  Worse is that on 12/16 I sent a rug a RUG, someone purchased using Priority shipping and it was to arrive 12/19.  Tracked the package just now and it still hadn't arrived ~ that is 5 days beyond the expected delivery date.  What the heck is going on with USPS  

Yet they were successful in delivering millions of ballots out and then to voting locations on time.  Unbelievable!!!!!!!  What's wrong with this picture??

Merry Christmas Eve.


Wednesday, December 23, 2020


In the picture below is a goose feather tree I made several years back.  The round white base is from one of the columns from my paternal grandfather's front porch.   It was salvaged by my father when the front porch was removed and then recovered by me.  The fencing was a found piece in a thrift shop.
Decades ago I was an avid baker; from scratch I made my own donuts, yeast breads, pies, cakes and even Maryland Beaten Biscuits.  When I turned past the 60 year old mark my baking was reduced to only holiday banana nut or zucchini bread, a more healthy option.  But the last few years I've not even baked those; until this week when I decided to make a banana nut bread.  
Retrieved my stained recipe and it had too much sugar and too much fat.  So went on line and found a Skinny Banana Bread recipe.
Now I'm NOT skinny by any means but do want to reduce my fat and sugar intake and this recipe fit the bill.  To say this was a 'make do' baking event is an understatement.  

First of all I used Egg Beaters instead of a real egg.  Next I had 3 bananas which I'd frozen in March.  I'd learned bananas can be frozen and used in baking but won't look pretty when thawed.  And they weren't pretty!

Well, I was one-third cup short...but I had some fresh blueberries so washed enough to make the 1 1/3 cup and made do.  Plus I wanted to add some walnut pieces in mine.  If that weren't enough 'making do'  I didn't add my ingredients in the proper order, which sometimes ruins some recipes.  Thankfully the bread tastes great and to ensure I don't eat it all in one sitting I cut it in thirds and froze two of them.  There's one more slice left in the first third ~ already had a slice today but I'm feeling indulgent so might fail and eat that last piece.

Yesterday when walking to pick up my mail I carried two bully sticks with me to give to a neighbor's dogs ~ that kind neighbor who sent me the video of Santa visiting our neighborhood.  By the time I got home and checked my email I'd received a photo of Captain and Morgan enjoying their Christmas gift.  Both dogs are recues and are well behaved and affectionate dogs.
Happy hooking.



Monday, December 21, 2020

Christmas Surprises

While in the attic looking for something I lifted up a container lid and saw a bunch of Christmas items.  What the heck??  So emailed friend Lauren (Rugs and Pugs) about my surprise.  She suggested I at least look closer to see what is inside.  So I grabbed am arm full and brought them downstairs to photograph.

It isn't the quantity she has and I didn't bring down everything.  Here are a few I grabbed.  Wrapped in my hooked rugs is a vintage Santa with a turn key in the back to play a tune which still works but not well enough to determine the song it is playing.
On the mantel are just a couple items, the Santa on the left was made in the USA.  Wow I think that is a keeper.  I'm not as well informed as Lauren so don't know if that is blow mold or celluloid. 
I live in a development off the main highway and off a country road just outside the city line.  Yesterday afternoon on my walk around the meadow I could hear fire trucks blasting away.  The sound seemed to get closer....and closer.  Then the trucks were entering the development ~ I turned around to see if any of my neighbors houses were on fire; nope.
Then I realized it was the local volunteer fire department and SANTA wishing us a Merry Christmas since the parade had been cancelled.  Sure made our Sunday a very merry day indeed.  I happened to see a neighbor capturing a video of the event.  She had a longer video but couldn't get that one to send.  


Sunday, December 20, 2020


Am feeling nostalgic lately.  Perhaps a combination of missing what life was like when I was much younger with no adult worries; could also be do to 9 months of this covid situation, top that with restrictions imposed on us by government for holiday gatherings.  

Last night as I'm readying for bed I turned on my radio, which is set to WGMD (92.7 on the dial) and listened to the Old Classic Radio show.  That station plays classic radio shows on Saturday nights.  Last night was The Jack Benny show.
Boy did I have a few laughs.  Rochester and the woman who plays Jack's wife were there too.  What stood out were the funny innuendoes which today would be considered politically incorrect.  The jokes were funny and I did laugh out loud.  I think the cancel culture and politically correctness has way too far.  

While listening to Jack Benny I could even envision my paternal grandfather leaning over to listen to his radio when my brother and I stayed overnight.  It was a large floor radio similar to this and his sofa would have been to the right of the radio.
Pop-pop smoked a pipe which had a nice familiar aroma whenever we entered his house.  He liked Prince Albert tobacco; my Uncle (Pop-pops youngest son Dallas) put a new can in his casket so he would have some in Heaven.

Getting back to nostalgia, some of the other radio shows I've listened to on Saturday nights while getting ready for bed is The Shadow, Johnny Dollar, Fibber McGee and Molly, and even The Lone Ranger.  Only listen long enough to complete my nightly ritual but the nostalgia remains and reminds me of the kinder past.

Those were the years when my parents, brother and I would have Sunday chicken and dumpling dinners at my maternal grandparent's home.  We were joined by mother's brothers and their families and it was an organized house full of chaos fun.  The boys would bounce down the steps on their butts or slide down the banister while someone would yell to stop that.  At the dinner table, the adult males would make a comment to another one saying something like...."miss a stroke and pass me the mashed potatoes".  

The good times, strong family times.  Then mom-mom passed in her 50's, young for sure and the family dinners stopped.  My parents both worked, I grew up, got married and moved away.  Everyone was too busy to have Sunday family dinners.  

When I moved back to Delaware I continued the tradition of having family dinners on Thanksgiving and Christmas.  But then my step-father and mother each had elder problems so we would gather at their house and have snacks and enjoy each other's company.  Then they passed too. 

My son is now carrying on the tradition for Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner but I didn't go this year as my DIL had Covid and while I will visit them Christmas Day and exchange gifts I won't be staying long enough for a dinner.  You know, that Covid thing.  

Guess you now know why I'm feeling nostalgic.  Thankfully I've a rug on my frame to keep me occupied and another to finish binding.  

Happy Sunday.


Friday, December 18, 2020

A Vintage Santa

Several years ago I hooked my first Christmas holiday rug.  It was this vintage Santa and Deer which is on my harvest table.  It is brought out every year during Christmas and I enjoy it still.
I've seen this design hooked with tongues on the border and other finishes but I wanted mine to be a basic edge so the central figures would catch the eye and not the border.  Yes Santa has short legs and the deer a long torso.  But this was an early primitive rug and that's what makes it so dear.  Just checked my log and this was hooked 2014 so not as long ago as I'd thought.

Currently......wool whipping has begun on Over the Moon ~ HA!  maybe 3" so far 😄 in other words, not too far along on the whipping.  Have also been pulling loops on my new project and I can see a bit of a challenge with this one ~ sorta like a puzzle me thinks.  Again I'm not far enough along to show what little I've accomplished.


Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Rug Hooking Chit Chat

I've started the binding process on Over the Moon.  This time I'll whip the edge with black wool yarn.  I do it in a two-step process ~ wellll, maybe you'd call it a three-step process.  I roll the foundation forward, clip then whip with a heavy cotton thread and then do the final whipping with wool yarn.  Although it might  seem double/triple work it makes it easier for me and have a more consistent edge after the whipping.  
Don't you just love those little clips??  Those were purchased a few years ago from a fabric store along the quilting wall.  But am sure you could find them on-line too.

Good news for me.... I sold a sizeable Magdalena Goat hooked rug listed on a Facebook page.  Didn't get the price it should be valued at but a price I'm happy with.  

After I first discovered the Magdalena Goat on an auction site I saved a photo and kept track of the auction prices.  Magdalena's family said there was a Goat rug but it had never been discovered until 2017.  It was fun to watch the incremental increase in price slowly until someone knew it WAS a Magdalena Briner Eby rug.  Then the price sky rocketed immediately.  This is the rug which I hooked and just sold; hooked it Magdalena's original size of 29 x 35, with the wool whipped edge it was a tad bigger.
Also hooked it in a smaller size and different colors to give folks a choice of colors to think about when buying a pattern, this one I kept and have on my wall.
And, just so you know, there is a new pattern on my frame.  
OOPS, you can't tell what I'm working on?  Oh dear...guess you'll have to wait until I have more hooked for you to see what it is 😁 .

Another rainy day in Delaware.  Please Santa, bring me a boat.


Monday, December 14, 2020

Over The Moon

Finally pulled the last loops on Over the Moon so the binding will begin.  As I hate that part of hooking it will go at a snail's pace ~ that is unless someone is interesting in buying it for a 'little one" for Christmas.  Well,  make that a little one's room.  If so then I'd speed up that binding process.
I hadn't really planned on selling it and was going to put it on the wall in the office but can't keep all the rugs and I do have favorites.  Guess I'll have to use more discretion when choosing to buy or draw patterns. 

There are more rugs posted in my new FB page: and once bound this will join them.  Still haven't looked through all my rugs but I've been working at this task for most of 3 days, taking photos, measuring, doing the math for price.  

Once, a rug hooker got angry at me for listing some rugs on eBay for only $85 per sq. ft.  She said I was doing a disservice to the professionalism of rug hookers.  Well, am doing it again and sometimes even less than that on my new FB page.

The water in my yard has still not dried up and it is raining yet again.  Santa...please bring me a boat for Christmas.  

Here's wishing a Happy Hanukkah to all my Jewish blog followers and rug hooker friends.  


Saturday, December 12, 2020


The other day someone on Facebook asked what we do with our rugs instead of rolling and placing them in a closet.    I have many on walls in various rooms, even more rooms than I'm showing on this post.
Rolled up an in an antique copper boiler (my grandfather's), made into pillows...
On the wall over the bed and in other vessels and walls than shown here.
I've given some to my sweet DIL, hooked one for my son, hooked two for my grandson, gave one to my son to raffle for the American Legion but I've still more than I can rotate on tables and chests.  Yet, I don't plan on stopping hooking in the near future ~ too much wool, too many rugs yet to hook.

So with the encouragement and help from Sandi Lucero (thanks Sandi) I have started a new Facebook page for Woodland Junction Hooked Rugs.

And I've decided that when I'm finished with this cute rug Over the Moon I'll list it on the FB hooked rug page too.  Finished size will be 16 x 22.5.  So if you are interested in having a sweet rug for a little one, as one of my followers called it, contact me.
Have a great weekend everyone.


Thursday, December 10, 2020

Throw Back Thursday and Rug Hooking Too

The other day I saw something which reminded me of a photo from my past.  The image was vivid in my mind so proceeded to search for it thru several photo albums.  Actually went thru them several times ~ was determined to locate that photo.  That's another reason for the 'slow poke' comment on my previous post.  Thank goodness finally found it.

This is a photo of me in 1982 having recently moved back to Delaware from California after my first husband died a year before.  This was my first job upon returning home, with a sheet fed printing company named Peninsula Press.  
Someone at work just had a baby and was handing out cigars.  Well, me being a ham decided to stick it in my mouth put on my bosses hat with a self-printed 'PRESS' pass on the side and pretend to write out the new development 'news' of the birth.  

Oh what a difference 30+ years makes in the aging process and socially.  Back then I was running road races (and winning in my age group), doing strength training (lifting weights), had no cares in the world and looking to the future.  Fast forward to today ~ I ran  my last 10k when I was 50 and stopped running about 5 years later.  I stopped weight training about the same time.  Today, with this political climate I'm not nearly as hopeful for the future.  Okay, moving right along.........

On yesterday's blog post someone commented that Over the Moon would be a great rug for a 'little one'.  There aren't any little ones in my family and none planned for the near future.  Since I've so many rugs and no chance of stopping hooking by choice, just might list it on ebay once it is finished.

A few months ago I'd planned to draw some mitten patterns, hook one as a gift and one for me.  Now it is 2 weeks away from Christmas and I didn't do it.  I'd hooked several in the past but sold them at shows so don't have any in my Christmas container.  Since I'm anxious to start the antique adaptation guess it won't get done this year.  

Here is the cute mitten with real holly, fake berries and sweet annie tucked inside.  They each had a wire hanger attached on the sides.
The pattern is a design in a Kindred Christmas booklet by Kindred Spirits,  pictured below.
Happy Thursday to you all.


Tuesday, December 8, 2020


I'm not progressing as fast on this small rug as I'd hoped for a couple reasons.  First I wanted to finish the dog house and some background before taking a photo; then it was to finish the blue moon.  One day led to another and tonight just caved to take a photo.  
The pattern is Over The Moon and sold by Spruce Ridge Studios.  It is a cute whimsical design and I have a place for it on a wall here.  But it would be a nice piece to hook for a child or grandchild.  If you're a fast hooker you could get it done by Christmas or perhaps for their birthday.  But  hey ~ I did this for ME, lol.

Saturday, December 5, 2020


Today I'm yet another year older...yup.  I woke up again this morning and happy to be alive.   A couple days ago I treated myself to something I didn't need but wanted.  At November rug camp, my tablemate Loris (in the photo) had a wonderful tablet cover which I fell in love with.  See that gorgeous hand-tooled leather looking iPad cover!!  Well I wanted one also.
So went on-line shopping and found something a tad different ~ I contemplated buying the same as Loris had but decided on this one.  It arrived yesterday just in time for my birthday to enjoy the new iPad2 cover.  You can see it also holds my iPad pencil.
After reading a blog post by Janice (Prims by the Water) about long johns I decided to gather mine from the attic.  For hangers I've used a limb from the yard and a piece of jute for the hanger.  This one in the kitchen has a scarf around the neck.
And another hanging at the entrance to my computer room has a little vintage garland trim around the neck.
Since today is dreary and rainy (AGAIN !#&*?!) I pulled out the dye pots, gathered some ugly wool and doing some primitive black.  A flash always finds the hidden bright colors so these may go back into another pot of primitive black dye, but will see how it looks with the naked eye when I get ready to use it.   Also, my brother called to wish me happy birthday so the pots didn't get stirred like they should and dye is not distributed equally.  
I have selected my next project and have it on linen.  Didn't want to be caught without something on my frame like before and just grab something to satisfy my fix.   But you'll have to wait to see what was chosen and keep you guessing  😁

Water water every where.  I told my son and brother that I want a boat for Christmas.  Look at this yard and back woods. 


Thursday, December 3, 2020


As previously mentioned the last several rugs I've hooked have been someone else's design and I'm itching to hook another antique adaptation. The last blog post had some antique rugs in it but needed to do more searching thru my photo files to see what else might interest me.  Here are a few of my picks so far.

Deer grazing with blue house hooked late 19 early 20th century and measures 32 x 52.5.  Of course I wouldn't draw mine out that big.  I'm a push over for deer and horses. 
This early 18th century floral hooked rug has made my heart skip a beat for a few years now.  This one will be challenging to make into a pattern because of the angle hanging from a chair.
Fruit Tree and 13 Birds late 19 century measures 36 x 55 and liked it when posted on my previous blog post.
Stalking Cat 
was hooked early 20th century.   Its stance reminds me of two black cat figurines which were on the fireplace mantle growing up.  This rug measures 20 x 40.
White Horse and scrolls hooked in neutral tones measures 30 x 48.5.  This too has made my heart skip a beat and believe I already have it on paper from drawing it for someone else.  That is unless it is bigger than I wish to hook and would need to reduce the size.  
OH!!!  Almost forgot.... the reclining sheep always seems to be in the pick mix and a beautiful rug choice.  So I've made the decision to save this for the next class with Kris Miller.  Kris was Tanya Wishard's teacher when she hooked it and I love how hers turned out.  As of this moment I don't have a class scheduled with Kris but hope to in the future.
So far I've 5 to think about as I work on the border of Over the Moon and finish binding Woolly Santa.  Yeah, I know, it's taking me forever to bind that small santa but remember ~ I hate binding.
