Saturday, October 31, 2020

Miscellaneous Ramblings

Just 8 days away from rug camp and I'm not thoroughly convinced it really will occur.  Am thinking more students will drop out or the two remaining teachers of four original teachers drop out as well.  Guess I've been used to disappointments or cancellations most of this year.  But if it really does happen I'll enjoy getting away from my cave for a couple days.   

I've drawn the New Years Eve pattern on linen and have started pulling wool.  As mentioned before it is from the art work of Lindsay Bowles and sold on etsy by The Wool Farm.
At my own snail pace am binding Old Tom without any more reverse hooking and almost done with hooking Woolly Santa but haven't tackled the eyes of him yet.  Friend Lauren (Rugs and Pugs) asked what I'd put on my frame next since that one would be done before camp.  

Hmmmm, I've got to work that out real soon.  I have several patterns on linen in my stash including Over the Moon with wool ready. 
I would like to hook a profile of my boy Ben as my other departed fur babies have been hooked.  Just haven't drawn up a pattern of Ben yet.  Let  me explain the tether....I was working outside and he was a runner/car chaser.  This was photo was taken before the back yard was fenced in for him to be loose.
And, it has been a long time since I've hooked an antique adaptation so that's also a possibility.  OH, just thought that I could take bag of selvages and start my hit and miss geometric.  Heck, that would be something quick to gather and easy to draw.  

When I return from rug camp will put rugs and patterns on ebay or etsy and thought I'd post something here first.  At one time I was heavily into stitchery and quilting.  One thing I know for sure....never again will I do stitcheries and/or quilts using stitcheries.  

There are 12 unused like new designs, one for each month which originally cost $5 each.  I will sell them for $4 = $48 plus shipping to the lower 48 states only.  Am selling them together, not individually.  Even if you don't make a quilt with them, they are individually cute small rug hooking designs.  

First one gets it, if you are a No-Reply blogger I'll not be able to contact you so would go the the first person I can reach.
I can see a Thanksgiving and Santa design on someone's frame soon and there would be other designs for the remainder of the year.

Happy Saturday and so glad the rain has stopped.  The remnants of Zeta left me with a lake over the entire back and sides of my house.  Not sure the total rainfall for my area but it was predicted to have up to 5".


Thursday, October 29, 2020

Turkey Shoot

Translated means 'turkey photo'.  Pulled the last loop on Old Tom twice now and not going for a third.  So let's see now and the before.

This is the current look of Old Tom, a wiser 'old' Tom now that he has a few years and experience under his belt.
Here is a picture of the much younger and wild crazy Tom of his then generation.  My goodness but I think me likes that older Tom better than his younger self.  And most assuredly better than the naked plucked Tom you previous saw on my blog.
So happy I decided to pull the loops now instead of suffering thru a couple years of not using it, and it is a better representation of the design.  WHEW, so glad the redux is done and now to start binding as November is just a few days away.  


Wednesday, October 28, 2020

OLD TOM REDUX (The Reboot)

Seems my previous post was quite confusing to some readers even tho I thought I'd made it clear in the second paragraph when I said..."Toms feathers were plucked out and will rehook them."  I received comments on how they liked the new look.  Huh?  Maybe I should have kept it like that and started a new hooking technique craze, lol.  Now will show you my very little progress since yesterday.
Who knows if I'll like it better than the before but am surely not plucking poor Tom's feathers a second time.  November is coming up quickly so want this fella finished ~ Santa will wait and will give me something to work on while waiting for my teacher at camp (November 8th). 

Didn't get a lot of hooking in because I was able to get my high dosage flu shot and am quite pleased as it takes 2 weeks for it to become effective and I've got rug camp in 10 days.


Tuesday, October 27, 2020


When your PC freezes up or a function stops working you 'reboot', right?  Likewise when a hooking project goes awry it makes sense to do that too.  That's what I'm doing with Old Tom.  

Yesterday I picked it up to start the binding process, it had been over a month since holding it and suddenly didn't like those colors I really great in the beginning.  Some of Tom's feathers have been plucked and will rehook them.  More wool might be pulled out later, depends on how it goes.  NOTE:  some folks thought I'd hooked the turkey white but that is with all his feathers pulled awaiting his new growth.
Thought I'd show you progress on Wooly Santa, the background and border wool.  If you scroll down to see the original version you'd notice I didn't choose a blue sky background.
Have always like the color of the plaid wool but despite having it for several years ago from a jobber in Baltimore.  Hadn't used it because it is slippery, there must be some cashmere in it.  Decided to use it anyway because it worked well with the border color.  Can't remember where that wool was purchased but now wish I had more.  The white is what was used for the sheep.  You can see a better photo of it if you scroll down thru previous posts.
It appears there really is to be a rug camp November 8th.  Which means I must get cranking to get my pattern and wool ready.  This is the design I'm going to  hook in a class with Bev Conway.  The Pattern is called New Years Eve from the artwork of Lindsay Bowles and you can get yours HERE.
NEW YEARS EVE ~ pattern to linen - hook - bind - label.

      So do I change Old Tom the list to:
OLD TOM ~ REhook - hook - bind - label?

      I still haven't changed Santa's eyes and mouth from the frown to a happy face, so do I put that on my list? 

WOOLY SANTA ~ pattern to Linen - hook, fix face - bind - label

Been thinking about this 'list' thing.  I've other projects started (star quilt about 5 years or so since I worked on it), stitchery projects in similar status as I just stumbled upon them the other day when looking for something else.  Maybe if I pulled them out where I could see them every day just seeing them would be my incentive.  

I'm  glad that lists work for Lauren, but if I felt the need to keep a project list think I'd keep it near where I work on them, put it on my fridge or pin it to a cork board in my wool room.  Makes no sense to me to need to look on my iPad to see what has to be done to what when .

One list I constantly do is my Grocery list.  I keep on the kitchen counter and put items on it when I run low or run out of something.  Sad thing is I sometimes forget to take it to the store.  So I'm going to NIX this list thing because I'm sure you'd rather I just get straight to the point and post photos and progress  instead of reviewing my list.  😉


Sunday, October 25, 2020

This, That and The Other Thing (edited)

THIS is what I'm working on now, have had this Primitive Spirit pdf pattern for years and finally decided to hook it.  As I often do, took the liberty to change something in the design.  The original has Santa holding a sack from which the small sheep is showing out of the top.  I felt that unnecessary and distracting to my eye so changed the mitten somewhat and hooked Santa in his clothing only, no sack.  

Figure the black mittens make the eye think there are legs folded under.  But I think the eyes and mouth needs a little work to make him look more happy.
Am editing the post to show you a view of the original design.  Should have done that upon doing the post yesterday.  
I'm hooking it in 8.5 and the sheep are hooked with varying sizes from #8 thru #9.  Below is the wool I'm using for the sheep and something purchased from Gail Dufresne several years ago at camp knowing it was a perfect sheep or Santa beard wool.

Santa's beard, however, is hooked with a very fuzzy white wool my pal Deb shared with me a few years ago.  I didn't take a photo of the beard wool as the fluff didn't show up, but here is a picture of the wool purchased from Gail.  
This wool is rather thick and I did hand cut a lot of it but when my hand tired of pulling wide strips of the thick wool I ran it thru my Townsend in #8.5.  It was a slow processing guiding that wool thru but made it more manageable to hook as I wasn't able to get uniform strips with hand cutting.  

THAT would be providing something Halloween for Cranky Crow's ravenous appetite.  In my sewing room I have two Halloween items hanging all year, one is yet another of Tonya Robey's handmade items.  Just love this wool Halloween stocking with the words BOO stitched near the toe.
I keep the Vintage Halloween Cat as a reminder to make a rug pattern from it.  The hanging ornament is a little worse for wear, has some bent pieces, areas taped and toes missing; but he is the only vintage Halloween item I own.
Took a photo of the back and you can see 
years ago when sold it was 10 cents, when I purchased it from the thrift store a few years ago I paid $1.
THE OTHER THING is taking a lead from Lauren (Rugs and Pugs) and make a "Project List" to monitor my accomplishments or lack of.  

    Wooly Santa ~ pattern to linen - hook - bind - label

    Old Tom ~ Hook - bind - label  😞  Sadly that task hasn't been done since the rug was hooked in September.  These are not the true colors of Tom as he isn't neon gold in person.
Okay, over and out for the day, gonna go pull more loops on my Santa this rainy day in Delaware.  Yesterday the temperature rose to 80* which is well over 10* higher than normal for this time of year and today will have a high of 56*.   Delaware is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.


Friday, October 23, 2020

Happy Haunting and Scarecrow

A few years ago when I was into yet another craft...quilt applique I made this adorable hanging piece.  It was a pattern in some craft magazine and a design by Patrick Lose.  I love primitive and have antiques so wanted the branch as a hanger.  This still lives here because I've brought it out at Halloween some years.    
The Scarecrow quilt applique was also from some craft booklet (I think) and not sure if the piece still exists here, was sold or given as a gift previously.
Some of you have inquired on my poison ivy healing.  It continued to spread and get more intense and won't tell you where the areas are, suffice it to say the only place which isn't infected is my right leg.  I called my doctor Wednesday and since she is only working part time after giving birth wasn't sure when I'd hear back.  

Today I received a call from the pharmacy to pick up my prescription.  She doubled the dose of prednisone from 20 mg per day to 40 mg per day for 10 days.  The last few days with 20 mg I've had a sour stomach and not sleeping well (reactions to the drug) so now the increase will affect (effect?) those reactions as well.  But I want this poison ivy thing OVER. 

My previous doctor (retired) prescribed Cortisone pills and was the only thing which would get rid of this allergy.  Yes it is a steroid and there is, or was, a blister package of punch out pills with dosage which dwindled and weaned me off during a period of time I can't recall.  It has been years since I've had poison ivy this badly.  Maybe Cortisone isn't the wise choice today?  Don't know but if I ever get it this bad again I will suggest it to my current doctor if this double dose of Prednisone doesn't do the job either. 

Have been washing my hands well after everything (as if with covid I wasn't doing that anyway), in the morning after the shower I rub the affected areas with alcohol to dry the poison oils then apply Caladryl.  I do that same routine before bed.  Then wait until the Caladryl has dried before putting on long sleeves and long pants, then tie a kerchief around my neck because the poison ivy is still rampant there.  Each day I remove and  replace the pillow cases I use, put the clothing and towels of the day in the laundry.  

Sorry to belabor the spiel on my the poison ivy subject but think I just needed to VENT!  Thanks for being my sounding board.


Thursday, October 22, 2020

Another Halloween Themed Rug

This mat was hooked and sold several years ago but I like to keep photos of work to remember what I've hooked.  It is a design by Lori Brechlin in one of her booklets and think I'd like to hook another in better colors.
This is a photo of the booklet by Not Forgotten Farm which has the pattern and 7 others in it.  Actually the original design has another witch and tree or vine to the left of this witch.
Will soon be running out of Halloween hooked mats but still have a couple quilt applique and dolls left to show which might help make it to 10/31.


Wednesday, October 21, 2020

A Goode Witch

Another Lori Brechlin design named Do Goode, Be Nice is offered by Spruce Ridge Studios.  I hooked this in a class with Kris Miller 2016.  Must admit I was intimidated by those fingers and wanted my good witch to have a nice manicure.   Frankly I'm surprised they turned out as well as they did.
Also wanted her to have a whisker sticking out of her chin so hooked a skinny piece of red wool which you can see.  Love Kris' suggestion on doing beading on those purple flowers.  I knew how to do beading (two pieces of wool hooked alternately) but had only done that for a beauty line near a border and never applied that to hooking a flower.  Turned out great!

Another suggestion Kris made was to add a real skeleton key instead of hooking it.
Hope I have enough Halloween to last these next 10 days to satisfy Robin's Halloween appetite.


Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Back to Halloween

Happy now Robin I'm giving you more Halloween.  😉

These witches were very popular, sold many and wish I had one of these left too.  Out of these two think I'd choose the one on the right.  Which one would you choose?  The pattern is designed by Veenas Folk Art Primitives.
That wonderful rug they are displayed on was an original hooked by Tonya Robey, I have many of her mats and rugs and love each of them.  She used to own Mad Hen Prims .


Monday, October 19, 2020

Do you Need a Break...

...from my Halloween photos and see what I'm working on now??  I thought you might enjoy a brief pause.

I've had this paper pattern "Wooly Santa" by Primitive Spirit  soon after it was released but didn't hook it until now.  Each November/December when seeing others' post their progress or completed piece it made me want to hook mine.  Finally this year I couldn't put it off  any longer and drew it.
As usual I am taking a little creative license to do it my way.  One thing I changed and you can see it in the standing sheep, is the shape of the face.  I hooked it as drawn but it looked too fat and a sheep has a more elongated face so pulled out loops and redrew.  At least I'm happier with my version so far.

That winter festive time is coming up quickly and want to be sure to have this happy fella finished to show.



Sunday, October 18, 2020

Celebrating the Season of Fall and Halloween

This mat was hooked in 2012 and believe it was in one of Lori Brechlin's booklets of patterns, but am too lazy to go check.  
Going back to when I was doing shows I'd make a lot of 'smalls' which would be inexpensive enough for someone to make an impromptu purchase.  What's sweeter than a piece of candy corn and a kitten?
Gotta get up and go walk ~ do something for my body.  When I had my boy Ben he was my motivator and wonderful companion...sigh.  Miss him terribly.
Happy Sunday, happy hooking and stay well.


Saturday, October 17, 2020

Another Fall Halloweenish Hooked Mat

 Soon I'll be running out of Halloween rugs so will show you one which is not only on Spruce Ridge Studio's web site but one of my all time favorites.  It is called Nantucket Broom ride, a design by Lori Brechlin and hooked in a class with Kris Miller.
Kris is always a fun class with loads of information and great wool but a rug isn't always completed in a class.  Upon coming home and getting sick wonderful and talented hooking icon Barb Carroll sent me a 'get well' package of wool to contribute to the project.  That would include the idea and wool for red hair and fanciful scarf.  Barb thought that Nantucket Witch needed to look like she was flying high and having fun.  It won't show on Kris' pattern I'm sure but if you wanted it you could always draw it in yourself.  Thank you Barb, love you 😘
This was probably the most fun rug I've ever hooked.


Friday, October 16, 2020

I'm Late

 Sorry I'm late with a promised post every day to celebrate Halloween but yesterday was quite a busy computer-busy day, a couple of my pals would agree and forgive me I think.

Today I'm switching from rugs and mats to dolls.  This one may have been one-of-a-kind (can't remember).  So is she a Pumpkin Witch or a Pumpkin Fairie ~  How would you identify her?
Making dolls was fun for a while and made a variety of them.  My favorite style was primitive and here are a few examples.  The first photo are huge dolls and I always named them.  This is Socrates and Jubilee Jones.
While some like big dolls others prefer smaller ones so I made this one which was snapped up quickly.  I named her Polly Anna and the date on the photo was 2001, wow, 19 years ago.
Then I did some minis which were quite popular like these babes in a row.  This photo was from 2002.
Also did a few vintage reproductions like the Columbian style dolls, both of those sold.
I made two of the Columbian Dolls below and dressed them in vintage child clothing, one was purchased by my Aunt and I kept one which sits in my living room in an antique rocker but not this one.
There are a few left which didn't sell when I decided to stop doing shows and perhaps one day I'll take the time to photo them and list them on ebay.

Happy Friday; it's a wet one here so am hoping to pull a few loops and chill.  And will be happy to do so since I didn't sleep well last night.  The prednisone and caladryl just isn't working fast enough for me.


Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Halloween Mat and Mundane Chit Chat

The best part of this post is this mat I hooked 2015.  His name is Hester and is a design by Lori Brechlin which was a freebie in an issue of Primitive Quilts and Projects.  Robin I believe this background color is the same dye recipe.
Looking at it now think a thin row of darker value needs to be hooked around the hat.  Uh, hope I do that while it is fresh on my mind...but will I get to it after the last couple days I've had with little sleep?

Okay, I've had a couple bad days but haven't bitched about it until now.  Hmmm, guess that's not true since my patience was lacking with the hooked and stuffed pumpkins.  So maybe it DID start before today.

Everyone gets a spot that needs to be scratched and you don't give it a second thought.  Unless....that spot takes on a new itch feeling.  During sleep a spot on the top of each hand itched and I scratched not awake to understand.  After being rubbed during the night twice or three times the reality of a problem becomes apparent~~~~poison ivy.

A few years ago I had it so bad my body looked like raw meat and was on cortisone pills and topical steroids.  My GP told me once I was so allergic that if anyone was burning leaves with poison ivy in it or cutting grass and wind was blowing my way I'd get it.

I live in the woods and am my own grass cutter.  In spring I go identify the spots and spray.  The last couple times I've cut grass I've worn long pants and long sleeves despite the humidity.  Guess I should have come in and taken a shower because the itch started on my hands and under my chin.  Areas of exposure from the breeze blowback.

It started on top of my hands and a small spot under my chin. After two sleepless nights and still using alcohol rub to dry the area then apply caladryl the contact dermatitis grew.  It is working up the chin along the nose and toward the eye, downward the neck, on my midriff and a spot on my back.  Thank goodness I was able to get an immediate appointment with my primary care physician.

Last night I tied a bandana around my neck so as to not spread the oil of the poison on my pillow case but my neck looked worse this morning.  Thus the rush to get to the doctor.   Now I'm on Prednisone for 14 days and will continue my vigilance with the alcohol rug and caladryl.  I've washed the sheets, will wear long sleeves and gloves to bed and tie that newly washed bandana around my neck again.  

I'd hoped to get my high dose flu shot today but my doctor said since my immune system was compromised and had an active allergy it was not wise today.  So now I've got to wait until this crap is gone.

Hooray for anyone who had the stamina to read all my medical history..or should I spell that...hysterics.


Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Finally Hooked and Stuffed Pumpkins

Thank goodness these three pumpkins are DONE.  You can take it on confident authority these will be the last hooked and stuffed pumpkins I ever make.  So I declare Lauren (Rugs and Pugs) the Pumpkin Queen 👑. 
Looked for the appropriate basket/vessel for them and this is all I could find quickly.  Sorry the handle distracts from the view.  I did do a 4 piece wool patchwork on the back of the left pumpkin but only patchwork on the other two of the stem and body.  After doing the first one said 'hell with it' and did the easy way.
No more, no thanks, nada, nei takk.  I'm ready to move on and have accomplished hooking and stuffing a pumpkin, or two or three.  Certainly not the caliper of Lauren, the over achiever.  Luv ya gal.

Monday, October 12, 2020

Fall / Halloween Season Continued

Was hoping to be done with those hooked and stuffed pumpkins to show you this evening but they're not quite done.  I've forged on because I knew if I set them aside unfinished they would never get finished.  

Tonight I'm showing you a photo of Hobo Joe which is a design by Lucille Festa .  The design was meant to be a cut-out but chose to hook him as a mat.
Despite not being a cut-out he is presently hanging on my front door.  I think he looks dapper in a Halloweenish way.


Sunday, October 11, 2020

Where are My Elusive Pumpkins?

Are you wondering what happened to those elusive pumpkins I started 9 days ago??  Here is the one I drew on rug warp.  I didn't like how the pumpkin turned out although this photo does show the lines better in the photo than in person.  
So I pulled a few loops out and hooked a darker wool like at the bottom.
This is what the other two look like after being hooked.  I'm also not happy with the top pumpkin but I'll get over it as I am not pulling loops, I want to move on.  
Now they need to be backed with wool and stuffed.   At least I'll have hooked and stuffed pumpkins but they are definitely NOT the caliper that Lauren (Rugs and Pugs) makes.  So Lauren I crown thee Pumpkin Queen.


Saturday, October 10, 2020

Season Celebration on Saturday

This is a design by Kelley Belfast which I named "A Little Birdie Told Me" because Kelley drew the stem curved toward the bird and it appeared the bird was whispering to the pumpkin.  

For Halloween I placed it on my schoolmasters desk.  To the far left is the scoop salvaged from my grandfather's barn after he passed.  Pop-pop lived a walking distance from us when I was growing up and kept my horse Richie there.  The sc
oop was used daily to feed Richie and is a fond memory of my gelding horse.
I took two photos with different settings, the one above was the first shot, below is the second.  Do you notice anything different.  If you don't see it I'll explain under the next photo.
Many of you probably won't notice, but there is a faint orb just above the rug on the right side.  It wasn't a piece of dust on my camera lens or it would have shown up in the first photo also since the photos were taken seconds apart.  

I've taken photos in the house before (as well as Cape May) and sometimes the orbs show up and sometimes not; occasionally the orbs are more prominent.  Each time my camera captures an orb in my house I wonder who it is...could it be my spirit guide (I understand everyone has one), an angel, my mother or another loved one, or the spirit of one of my departed pets?

Okay, I'm sure some of you think I've gone off the deep end, but the orbs have a special meaning for me.


Friday, October 9, 2020

Celebrating the Seasons Past

 Back in the day when I did craft shows I made a lot of dolls ~ some antique style, whimsical, primitive and artsy fartsy ones.  When Halloween time comes around I wish this first pair had survived a sale.  The cat has caught a witch which is hard to detect.  Made and sold many of these.
It is a design by Hickety Pickety and I loved it.  

Below is Hag and Humpty Pumpkin.  Forget the designer of those patterns but once these sold I didn't make any more of them.
The desire to sew and stuff a doll has long since passed. But I still have most of my doll patterns in case I ever get the urge again.


Thursday, October 8, 2020

Celebrating the Season #2

 A few years ago I was the lucky recipient of this giveaway (Duluth Pumpkin) from Star Rug Company.  It was complete with pattern, wool and even those great buttons which were used for the eyes.  The buttons sorta look like quillies (standing wool circles) but without all the work. 
As mentioned yesterday I plan to post a seasonal themed photo every day until October 31st.  Enjoy, maybe you'll see a design you would like to hook yourself......happy hooking.  


Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Celebrating the Season

This is a design called Jack designed by Barb Carroll and was a free pattern insert in the September/October 1997 issue.  I love it and one day just  might hook another with somewhat different color variations.  
I have other fall/Halloween rugs which I'll post every day throughout the month.  Enjoy.

This morning I went to two different drug stores and Walmart in search of the high dose flu shot and none were available.  Guess next time I'll call first instead of wasting gasoline.


Monday, October 5, 2020

The Games We Play

 In case you hadn't notice Lauren (Rugs and Pugs), Robin (that Cranky Crow) and I are a trio who play off one another.  Appears we take cues from each others blog posts or personal emails ~ sorta like a 'tag, you're it'.  If you follow/read our blogs you'll get it.

So in response to Robin's latest blog post wanting to see my homemade Jack-O-Lantern, here it is along side the hooked Jack and his Crow ~ which was previous tag team effort with a follow-up to something Robin said.
The Jack-O-Lantern was made starting with a big foam ball from the craft store, covered with purchased papier mache', painted, then cutting out the foam.  Can't recall if the hole for the wire handle was poked while the mache' was damp and pliable or later.  I'm thinking it would have been much easier to cover a balloon and when dried burst the balloon.  But perhaps the balloon may have burst while making it and having a failed Jack.

Obviously my Jack needs a little something inside to hide that bright white.  Even painting the inside would be better but will have to decide something soon.  

Here is the inside paper on which I drew the eyes , tongue and glued to the front.
Since the vintage Jacks are hard to get or very expensive if you find them, I've got my homemade one.  Well, make that four.  I designed and hooked these "Mache' Jacks" which also make me happy.  Again this was an attempt to fulfill my desire for the real thing.
So Robin.... is that one of Poe's relatives who just flew in and sitting on my harvest table?
